Altova ESEF Add-in for Excel, Version 2025r2

New Report

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This section will help you get started with an ESEF report. ESEF reports are based on the so-called extension taxonomies that extend the ESEF taxonomy. Extension taxonomies are provided externally. For example, you can create an extension taxonomy using Altova XMLSpy. An extension taxonomy can be either a taxonomy package (.zip) or an unpacked xbrl taxonomy (.xsd).


When you install the add-in for the first time on your computer, only the most recent version of the ESEF XBRL Taxonomy will be installed by default. If you need support for older ESEF XBRL Taxonomy versions, you need to install them separately, using the XBRL Taxonomy Manager tool included in the add-in.


New report: Broad procedures

The broad procedures of creating an ESEF report include the following steps:


1.Select an extension taxonomy that is relevant to your report.

2.Tag relevant facts using the Tag cells button (add-in ribbon) and/or insert whole tables based on the presentation and calculation linkbases from the extension taxonomy. The tables defined in the selected extension taxonomy are available in the Tables section of the ESEF FIling Pane.

3.Define settings in the ESEF Filing Pane: accuracy parameters, the reporting period, currency, and information about the reporting entity.


You can then start entering data into tables, validate it, and export it to iXBRL format.


In this section

This section describes the following procedures associated with an ESEF report:


Entering data

Setting parameters in the ESEF Filing Pane

Validating data

Exporting data to iXBRL


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