Menu Commands
This section describes the add-in commands available in the ESEF tab of the Excel ribbon (see screenshot below). The commands are organized into four groups: Report, Windows, Tagging and Add-In. For more information, see the subsections below.

Imports an extension taxonomy that you will need to create a new ESEF report. For more information, see New Report. This command is disabled if the report sheet has already been inserted into the workbook.
Starts the built-in Taxonomy Editor, which opens in its own window. The Taxonomy Editor enables you to edit extension taxonomies or to create a new extension taxonomy based on an ESEF taxonomy. For more details, see Taxonomy Editor.
Exports data from all currently active sheets to an iXBRL instance file. For more details, see Export Data to iXBRL.
Allows you to preview the final report in a browser.
Validates report data against the underlying taxonomy and displays the validation results in the Validation Report dialog box. For details, see Validate Data.
Shows or hides the ESEF Filing Pane. By default, the Filing Pane becomes visible after you have imported an extension taxonomy.
Shows or hides the Validation Report window. See Validate Data.
This option highlights all the tagged cells yellow, which make the report easier to work with and more user-friendly. For more information about tagging cells, see Enter Data.
Reported concepts must be marked up with XBRL tags, which means every fact must correspond to a relevant concept from the taxonomy. For details about tagging cells, see Enter Data.
Displays a dialog box where you can view and change the add-in settings.
This command opens the XBRL Taxonomy Manager tool, which allows viewing, installing, and uninstalling XBRL taxonomies. See XBRL Taxonomy Manager.
Checks with the Altova server whether a newer version than yours is currently available and displays a message accordingly.
Displays the activation status of the add-in and provides options to enter or purchase a license key code.
Displays information about the add-in version.
Provides links to the Altova website, including the Online Support Center, XBRL Taxonomy Download Center, training and tutorials.
The Help command opens the add-in's Help documentation (its user manual). By default, the Online Help in HTML format on the Altova website will be opened.
If you do not have Internet access or do not want, for some other reason, to access the Online Help, you can use the locally stored version of the user manual. The local version is a PDF file named ESEF Add-in.pdf that is stored in the application folder (in the Program Files folder). If you want to change the default format of the user manual, you can do this in the Misc section of the Settings dialog.