Altova ContractManager

The Jump To functionality enables you to jump to a record that begins with or contains the text string you enter. The look-up for the text string is carried out in either one field of the container's records or all fields. What fields are being looked up and whether the text string occurs at the beginning of the field or is contained anywhere in the field would be indicated by the name of the list form (or should be made clear to you in some other way by your administrator).


For example, in the screenshot below, when the list form named Contracts by Status & Company is selected, the Jump To button becomes available, thereby indicating that the Jump To feature is available for this list form. Since the list form is based on status and company, it is reasonable to assume that a jump-to would look up status and/or company. On typing Amer, the first company name that begins with Amer moves to the top of the list.

Click to expand/collapse

To use the Jump To feature: click Jump To, and then enter the text string you want to look up. The record that you want will move to the top of the list.


Note:If the Jump To button is not available, it means that your system administrator has not activated the Jump To setting for the current list form.




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