Color Themes
The ContractManager user interface can be set to one of the themes shown below. A default theme can be set by the system administrator (the form to set the default theme is shown in the screenshots below and is available in the Settings tab of the Configuration Page). A theme applies to the entire ContractManager app. When a system user opens ContractManager, the app's user interface is displayed in the default theme. The user can change the theme at any time by (i) clicking the Settings button, and (ii) selecting a theme from the Theme combo box (see screenshot below).
Additionally, each database of the app can be set to a different variation of the theme. The system administrator can set the theme's variation in the Coloring setting of the respective databases. System users can select the theme's variation on the top-level container of each database.
The screenshots below provide a sample of the available themes.
Full Moon
Polar Night