Enable Microsoft SQL Server Schema Extensions
XMLSpy provides support for Microsoft SQL Server 2000 schema extensions for use with Microsoft SQL Server. Using these schema extensions allows you to configure and customize how Microsoft SQL Server stores XML documents. These XML documents are then accessible through SQL queries and legacy tools. Please see the Microsoft Website for more information.
When you select the Enable Microsoft SQL Server Schema Extensions command, the following occurs:
•The SQL Server namespace is declared on the schema element: xmlns:sql="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:mapping-schema".
•An SQL Server tab is created in the Details Entry Helper, enabling you to add attributes to schema elements such as xsd:element.

Where SQL Server extensions can be defined for a schema component, the SQL Server tab is available in the Details Entry Helper when the component is selected. Use the Entry Helper as you normally would in XMLSpy.
Note: | This extensions can switched on or off by toggling the menu command on/off. When extensions are enabled, the command is displayed with a check mark to its left. When extensions are switched off the the SQL Server namespace declaration and all SQL Server extensions in the file are deleted. A warning message appears since this action cannot be undone. |