Output Window: HTTP
in the HTTP output window (screenshot below), you can test HTTP commands: you can create and send an HTTP request to a web server, and receive and check the response.
The HTTP output window has nine tabs (see screenshot below). You can store a separate request in each tab, and switch between tabs. After creating a request in the window, you can send the request by clicking the Send button. The response is displayed directly in the window.

The window consists of the following parts:
•At the top: (i) a combo box in which to select the HTTP method you want to use; (ii) an entry field for the URL of the web server; (iii) buttons related to the execution of HTTP requests (Send, Import, and Reset).
•A left-hand pane for creating the request.
•A right-hand pane for displaying information and logging information about the request.
For details about how to use the HTTP output window, see the section HTTP.
Note: | The output window has nine tabs. You can, therefore, keep an output in one tab and get a new output in another tab. |