Altova UModel 2024 Enterprise Edition

If a DLL is added to UModel as a plug-in, it is necessary that it registers a COM component that answers to an IUModelPlugIn interface. The IUModelPlugin interface exposes the following methods, all of which must be implemented by a client plug-in.










Method Declaration


OnInitialize(pUModel as IDispatch)

The OnInitialize method of the interface implementation is called when the plug-in is initialized and before DDE or batch commands are processed.


You can attach notifiers and listen to UModel events, but should not start new commands / modifications until the OnRunning method is called.


pUModel holds a reference to the dispatch interface of the Application object of UModel.

OnRunning(pUModel as IDispatch)

The OnRunning method of the interface implementation is called when the plug-in is initialized and after DDE or batch commands are processed.


The application is now fully initialized and you can start new commands / modifications and modify UML data.


pUModel holds a reference to the dispatch interface of the Application object of UModel.

OnShutdown(pUModel as IDispatch)

The OnShutdown method of the interface implementation is called immediately before the plug-in is unloaded (e.g. because the application will shut down).


pUModel holds a reference to the dispatch interface of the Application object of UModel.

GetUIModifications() as String

The GetUIModifications() method is called during initialization of the plug-in, to get the configuration XML data that defines the changes to the UI of UModel.


The method is called when the plug-in is loaded for the first time, and at every start of UModel.


See Configuration XML for a detailed description on how to change the UI.

GetDescription() as String


GetDescription() is used to define the description string for the plug-in entries visible in the Customize dialog box.

OnCommand(nID as long, pUModel as IDispatch)

The OnCommand() method of the interface implementation, is called each time a command, added by the  plug-in (menu item or toolbar button), is processed.


nID stores the command ID defined by the ID element of the respective UIElement.


pUModel holds a reference to the dispatch interface of the Application object of UModel.

OnUpdateCommand(nID as long, pUModel as IDispatch) as UModelUpdateAction

The OnUpdateCommand() method is called each time the visible state of a button, or menu item, needs to be set.


nID stores the command ID defined by the ID element of the respective UIElement.


pUModel holds a reference to the dispatch interface of the Application object.


Possible return values (as defined in UModelUpdateAction) to set the update state are:



= 1


= 2


= 4


= 8


Values can be combined using the bitwise OR operator (for example, UModelUpdateAction_Enable | UModelUpdateAction_Check ).


For a very simple interface implementation example, see Implement IUModelPlugIn Interface. Other sample implementations are available (as Visual Studio solutions) at the following path: C:\Users\<username>\Documents\Altova\UModel2024\UModelExamples\IDEPlugIn.


The sequence diagram below shows how UModel interacts with IUModelPlugIn:


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