--indent-characters = VALUE Specifies the character string to be used as indentation.
--input = FILE The URL of the XML file to be transformed.
--keep-formatting = true|false Keeps the formatting of the target document to the maximum extent that this is possible. Default is: true.
--omit-xml-declaration = true|false Serialization option to specify whether the XML declaration should be omitted from the output or not. If true, there will be no XML declaration in the output document. If false, an XML declaration will be included. Default value is false. Note: Boolean option values are set to true if the option is specified without a value.
output = FILE, xsltoutput = FILE The URL of the primary-output file. For example, in the case of multiple-file HTML output, the primary-output file will be the location of the entry point HTML file. Additional output files, such as generated image files, are reported as xslt-additional-output-files. If no --output or --xsltoutput option is specified, output is written to standard output.
--output-encoding = VALUE The value of the encoding attribute in the output document. Valid values are names in the IANA character set registry. Default value is UTF-8.
--output-indent = true|false If true, the output will be indented according to its hierarchic structure. If false, there will be no hierarchical indentation. Default is false. Note: Boolean option values are set to true if the option is specified without a value.
--output-method = xml|html|xhtml|text Specifies the output format. Default value is xml.
--p | --param = KEY:VALUE
--updated-xml = discard|writeback|asmainresult Specifies how the updated XML file should be handled.
•discard: The update is discarded and not written to file. Neither the input file nor the output file will be updated. Note that this is the default. •writeback: Writes the update back to the input XML file that is specified with the --input option. •asmainresult: Writes the update to the output XML file that is specified with the --output option. If the --output option is not specified, then the update is written to the standard output. In both cases, the input XML file will not be modified.
Default is discard.
--xpath-static-type-errors-as-warnings = true|false If true, downgrades to warnings any type errors that are detected in the XPath static context. Whereas an error would cause the execution to fail, a warning would enable processing to continue. Default is false.
--xquery-update-version = 1|1.0|3|3.0| Specifies whether the XQuery processor should use XQuery Update Facility 1.0 or XQuery Update Facility 3.0. Default value is 3.
--xquery-version = 1|1.0|3|3.0|3.1 Specifies whether the XQuery processor should use XQuery 1.0 or XQuery 3.0. Default value is 3.1.