Altova RaptorXML+XBRL Server 2025

Formula parameters can be given in XML format or JSON format.


XML format

The listing below shows formula parameters in XML format.


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>







  <options:parameter name="p1">

    <options:value type="xs:string">hello world from new xml (without namespace)</options:value>


  <options:parameter name="p:p1" type="xs:string" value="hello world from new xml"/>




Note the following points:


The @type attribute is optional and defaults to xs:string.

Multiple <options:value> child elements can be specified in order to assign an XPath sequence to a parameter.

@value and <options:value> cannot be used at the same time.


JSON format

The listing below shows formula parameters in JSON format.



  "formula-parameters": [


    "name": "p1",

    "values": [


        "type": "xs:string",

        "value": "hello world from json new (without namespace)"



   }, {

        "name": "ns1:p1",

        "values": [


            "type": "xs:string",

            "value": "hello world from json new"





   "namespaces": {

     "xs": "",

     "ns1": ""




Note the following points:


The type key is optional and defaults to xs:string.

The xs key is optional and defaults to

The type in the parameter map is used if a value is specified directly as a JSON string.

Other ways of writing are currently also supported:


           "name": "p2",

           "type": "xs:string",

           "value""hello world from json new (without namespace)"

        }, {

           "name": "p3",

           "type": "xs:int",

           "values": ["1", "2"]

        }, {

           "name": "p4",

           "type": "xs: int",

           "values": ["1", {"type": "xs:string""value": "abc"}, "2"]



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