Altova LicenseServer

This section:


Registering MapForce Server from FlowForce Server (Windows)

Registering a standalone MapForce Server (Windows)

Registering MapForce Server (Linux)


MapForce Server can be installed as part of the FlowForce Server package, or as a standalone server product. In either case, it must be registered with Altova LicenseServer. After it has been registered with LicenseServer, you can assign a license to it from LicenseServer. On Windows systems, you can install MapForce Server as part of the FlowForce installation. If MapForce Server is installed as part of the FlowForce Server package, it will automatically be registered with LicenseServer when FlowForce is registered with LicenseServer. On Linux systems, the two products must be installed separately. If MapForce Server is installed after FlowForce Server, then it will be registered automatically when FlowForce Server is registered. But if MapForce Server is installed before FlowForce Server, you will have to register both products separately.


Registering MapForce Server from FlowForce Server (Windows)

MapForce Server is packaged with FlowForce Server, so when FlowForce Server is registered with an Altova LicenseServer on your network, MapForce Server will automatically also be registered with LicenseServer. How to register FlowForce Server is described in the FlowForce Server documentation and in the section, Register FlowForce Server with LicenseServer.


After the registration, you can go to LicenseServer and assign a MapForce Server license to MapForce Server. How to do this is described in the section, Assign Licenses to Registered Products.


Registering a standalone MapForce Server (Windows)

If you have installed MapForce Server as a standalone package, you must register it with an Altova LicenseServer on your network and then license it from the Altova LicenseServer. You can register MapForce Server via its command line interface (CLI) by using the licenseserver command:


MapForceServer licenseserver Server-Or-IP-Address



For example, if LicenseServer is running on http://localhost:8088, then register MapForce Server with:


MapForceServer licenseserver localhost



After successfully registering MapForce Server, you can go to LicenseServer and assign a license to MapForce Server. How to do this is described in the section, Assign Licenses to Registered Products.


Registering MapForce Server (Linux)

On Linux machines, MapForce Server can be registered with LicenseServer by using the licenseserver command of the MapForce Server CLI. Note that MapForce Server must be started with root rights.


sudo /opt/Altova/MapForceServer2024/bin/mapforceserver licenseserver localhost



In the command above, localhost is the name of the server on which LicenseServer is installed. You can use the server's IP address instead. Notice also that the location of the  MapForce Server executable is:





After successfully registering MapForce Server, you can go to LicenseServer and assign a license to MapForce Server. How to do this is described in the section Assign Licenses to Registered Products.


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