Altova MapForce 2025 Enterprise Edition

Im folgenden JScript-Beispiel wird gezeigt, wie Sie ein bestehendes Dokument mit einem einfachen Mapping laden, seine Komponenten aufrufen, Input- und Output-Instanzdateinamen definieren und das Mapping ausführen.


  This sample file performs the following operations:
  Load existing MapForce mapping document.
  Find source and target component.
  Set input and output instance filenames.
  Execute the transformation.
  Works with Windows scripting host.
// ---- general helpers ------------------------------
function Exit( message )
  WScript.Echo( message );
function ERROR( message, err )
  if( err != null )
     Exit( "ERROR: (" + (err.number & 0xffff) + ") " + err.description + " - " + message );
     Exit( "ERROR: " + message );
// ---- MapForce constants -----------------------
var eComponentUsageKind_Unknown     = 0;
var eComponentUsageKind_Instance    = 1;
var eComponentUsageKind_Input       = 2;
var eComponentUsageKind_Output      = 3;
// ---- MapForce helpers -----------------------
// Searches in the specified mapping for a component by name and returns it.
// If not found, throws an error.
function FindComponent( mapping, component_name )
  var components = mapping.Components;
  for( var i = 0 ; i < components.Count ; ++i )
    var component = components.Item( i + 1 );
    if( component.Name == component_name )
        return component;
  throw new Error( "Cannot find component with name " + component_name );
// Browses components in a mapping and returns the first one found acting as
// source component (i.e. having connections on its right side).
function GetFirstSourceComponent( mapping )
  var components = mapping.Components;
  for( var i = 0 ; i < components.Count ; ++i )
    var component = components.Item( i + 1 );
    if( component.UsageKind == eComponentUsageKind_Instance &&
        component.HasOutgoingConnections )
        return component;
  throw new Error( "Cannot find a source component" );
// Browses components in a mapping and returns the first one found acting as
// target component (i.e. having connections on its left side).
function GetFirstTargetComponent( mapping )
  var components = mapping.Components;
  for( var i = 0 ; i < components.Count ; ++i )
    var component = components.Item( i + 1 );
    if( component.UsageKind == eComponentUsageKind_Instance &&
        component.HasIncomingConnections )
        return component;
  throw new Error( "Cannot find a target component" );
function IndentTextLines( s )
  return "\t" + s.replace( /\n/g, "\n\t" );
function GetAppoutputLineFullText( oAppoutputLine )
  var s = oAppoutputLine.GetLineText();
  var oAppoutputChildLines = oAppoutputLine.ChildLines;
  var i;
  for( i = 0 ; i < oAppoutputChildLines.Count ; ++i )
     oAppoutputChildLine = oAppoutputChildLines.Item( i + 1 );
     sChilds = GetAppoutputLineFullText( oAppoutputChildLine );
     s += "\n" + IndentTextLines( sChilds );
  return s;
// Create a nicely formatted string from AppOutputLines
function GetResultMessagesString( oAppoutputLines )
  var s1 = "Transformation result messages:\n";
  var oAppoutputLine;
  var i;
  for( i = 0 ; i < oAppoutputLines.Count ; ++i )
     oAppoutputLine = oAppoutputLines.Item( i + 1 );
     s1 += GetAppoutputLineFullText( oAppoutputLine );
     s1 += "\n";
  return s1;
// ---- MAIN -------------------------------------
var wshShell;
var fso;
var mapforce;
// create the Shell and FileSystemObject of the windows scripting system
  wshShell = WScript.CreateObject( "WScript.Shell" );
  fso = WScript.CreateObject( "Scripting.FileSystemObject" );
catch( err )
  { ERROR( "Can't create windows scripting objects", err ); }
// open MapForce or access currently running instance
  mapforce = WScript.GetObject( "", "MapForce.Application" );
catch( err )
  { ERROR( "Can't access or create MapForce.Application", err ); }
  // Make MapForce UI visible. This is an API requirement for output generation.
 mapforce.Visible = true;
  // open an existing mapping.
  // **** adjust the examples path to your needs ! **************
  var sMapForceExamplesPath = fso.BuildPath(
           wshShell.SpecialFolders( "MyDocuments" ),
          "Altova\\MapForce2025\\MapForceExamples" );
  var sDocFilename = fso.BuildPath( sMapForceExamplesPath, "PersonList.mfd" );
  var doc = mapforce.OpenDocument( sDocFilename );
  // Find existing components by name in the main mapping.
  // Note, the names of components may not be unique as a schema component's name
  // is derived from its schema file name.
  var source_component = FindComponent( doc.MainMapping, "Employees" );
  var target_component = FindComponent( doc.MainMapping, "PersonList" );
  // If you do not know the names of the components for some reason, you could
  // use the following functions instead of FindComponent.
  //var source_component = GetFirstSourceComponent( doc.MainMapping );
  //var target_component = GetFirstTargetComponent( doc.MainMapping );
  // specify the desired input and output files.
  source_component.InputInstanceFile = fso.BuildPath( sMapForceExamplesPath, "Employees.xml" );
  target_component.OutputInstanceFile = fso.BuildPath( sMapForceExamplesPath, "test_transformation_results.xml" );
  // Perform the transformation.
  // You can use doc.GenerateOutput() if you do not need result messages.
  // If you have a mapping with more than one target component and you want
  // to execute the transformation only for one specific target component,
  // call target_component.GenerateOutput() instead.
  var result_messages = doc.GenerateOutputEx();
  var summary_info =
        "Transformation performed from " + source_component.InputInstanceFile + "\n" +
        "to " + target_component.OutputInstanceFile + "\n\n" +
        GetResultMessagesString( result_messages );
  WScript.Echo( summary_info );
catch( err )
  ERROR( "Failure", err );

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