Altova MapForce 2025 Enterprise Edition

Unten sehen Sie die XML-Struktur von Diagrammdaten, wie sie für Altova-Erweiterungsfunktionen für Diagramme angezeigt werden könnte. Diese Funktionen beeinflussen das Aussehen der einzelnen Diagramme. Nicht alle Elemente werden für alle Diagrammarten verwendet, so wird z.B. das Element <Pie> bei Balkendiagrammen ignoriert.


Anmerkung:Diagrammfunktionen werden nur in Enterprise und Server-Editionen von Altova Produkten unterstützt.





         SettingsVersion="1" must be provided

         ChartKind="BarChart" Pie, Pie3d, BarChart, StackedBarChart, BarChart3d, BarChart3dGrouped, LineChart, ValueLineChart, AreaChart, StackedAreaChart, RoundGauge, BarGauge, CandleStick

         BKColor="#ffffff" Color

         BKColorGradientEnd="#ffffff" Color. In case of a gradient, BKColor and BKColorGradientEnd define the gradient's colors

         BKMode="#ffffff" Solid, HorzGradient, VertGradient

         BKFile="Path+Filename" String. If file exists, its content is drawn over the background.

         BKFileMode="Stretch" Stretch, ZoomToFit, Center, Tile

         ShowBorder="1" Bool

         PlotBorderColor="#000000" Color

         PlotBKColor="#ffffff" Color

         Title="" String

         ShowLegend="1" Bool

         OutsideMargin="3.%" PercentOrPixel

         TitleToPlotMargin="3.%"   PercentOrPixel

         LegendToPlotMargin="3.%" PercentOrPixel

         Orientation="vert" Enumeration: possible values are: vert, horz  



                 Color="#000000" Color

                 Name="Tahoma" String

                 Bold="1" Bool

                 Italic="0" Bool

                 Underline="0" Bool

                 MinFontHeight="" FontSize (only pt values)

                 Size="8.%" FontSize />







                 Size="3.5%" />








                 Size="5.%" />




         ConnectionShapeSize="1.%" PercentOrPixel

         DrawFilledConnectionShapes="1" Bool

         DrawOutlineConnectionShapes="0" Bool

         DrawSlashConnectionShapes="0" Bool

         DrawBackslashConnectionShapes="0" Bool




         ShowShadow="1" Bool

         ShadowColor="#a0a0a0" Color

         OutlineColor="#000000" Color

         ShowOutline="1" Bool




         Transparency="0" UINT ( 0-255 ) 255 is fully transparent, 0 is opaque

         OutlineColor="#000000" Color

         ShowOutline="1" Bool




         FillHighClose="0" Bool. If 0, the body is left empty. If 1, FillColorHighClose is used for the candle body

         FillColorHighClose="#ffffff" Color. For the candle body when close > open

         FillHighOpenWithSeriesColor="1" Bool. If true, the series color is used to fill the candlebody when open > close

         FillColorHighOpen="#000000" Color. For the candle body when open > close and FillHighOpenWithSeriesColor is false



 <Colors User-defined color scheme: By default this element is empty except for the style and has no Color attributes

         UseSubsequentColors ="1" Boolean. If 0, then color in overlay is used. If 1, then subsequent colors from previous chart layer is used

         Style="User" Possible values are: "Default", "Grayscale", "Colorful", "Pastel", "User"

         Colors="#52aca0" Color: only added for user defined color set

         Colors1="#d3c15d" Color: only added for user defined color set

         Colors2="#8971d8" Color: only added for user defined color set


         ColorsN="" Up to ten colors are allowed in a set: from Colors to Colors9




         ShowLabels="1" Bool

         OutlineColor="#404040" Color

         ShowOutline="1" Bool

         StartAngle="0." Double

         Clockwise="1" Bool

         Draw2dHighlights="1" Bool

         Transparency="0" Int (0 to 255: 0 is opaque, 255 is fully transparent)

         DropShadowColor="#c0c0c0" Color

         DropShadowSize="5.%" PercentOrPixel

         PieHeight="10.%" PercentOrPixel. Pixel values might be different in the result because of 3d tilting

         Tilt="40.0" Double (10 to 90: The 3d tilt in degrees of a 3d pie)

         ShowDropShadow="1" Bool

         ChartToLabelMargin="10.%" PercentOrPixel

         AddValueToLabel="0" Bool

         AddPercentToLabel="0" Bool

         AddPercentToLabels_DecimalDigits="0" UINT ( 0 – 2 )









                 Size="4.%"        />




         <XAxis Axis

                 AutoRange="1" Bool

                 AutoRangeIncludesZero="1" Bool

                 RangeFrom="0." Double: manual range

                 RangeTill="1." Double : manual range

                 LabelToAxisMargin="3.%" PercentOrPixel

                 AxisLabel="" String

                 AxisColor="#000000" Color

                 AxisGridColor="#e6e6e6" Color

                 ShowGrid="1" Bool

                 UseAutoTick="1" Bool

                 ManualTickInterval="1." Double

                 AxisToChartMargin="0.px" PercentOrPixel

                 TickSize="3.px" PercentOrPixel

                 ShowTicks="1" Bool

                 ShowValues="1"  Bool         

                 AxisPosition="LeftOrBottom" Enums: "LeftOrBottom", "RightOrTop", "AtValue"

                 AxisPositionAtValue = "0" Double









                         Size="3.%"        />


         <YAxis Axis (same as for XAxis)














                 ShowTicks="1" Bool

                 ShowValues="1"  Bool           

                 AxisPosition="LeftOrBottom" Enums: "LeftOrBottom", "RightOrTop", "AtValue"

                 AxisPositionAtValue = "0" Double














         AxisAutoSize="1" Bool: If false, XSize and YSize define the aspect ration of x and y axis. If true, aspect ratio is equal to chart window

         XSize="100.%" PercentOrPixel. Pixel values might be different in the result because of 3d tilting and zooming to fit chart

         YSize="100.%" PercentOrPixel. Pixel values might be different in the result because of 3d tilting and zooming to fit chart

         SeriesMargin="30.%" PercentOrPixel. Pixel values might be different in the result because of 3d tilting and zooming to fit chart

         Tilt="20." Double. -90 to +90 degrees

         Rot="20." Double. -359 to +359 degrees

         FoV="50."> Double. Field of view: 1-120 degree















                 TickSize="3.px" >













         MinVal="0." Double

         MaxVal="100." Double

         MinAngle="225" UINT: -359-359

         SweepAngle="270" UINT: 1-359

         BorderToTick="1.%" PercentOrPixel

         MajorTickWidth="3.px" PercentOrPixel

         MajorTickLength="4.%" PercentOrPixel

         MinorTickWidth="1.px" PercentOrPixel

         MinorTickLength="3.%" PercentOrPixel

         BorderColor="#a0a0a0" Color

         FillColor="#303535" Color

         MajorTickColor="#a0c0b0" Color

         MinorTickColor="#a0c0b0" Color

         BorderWidth="2.%" PercentOrPixel

         NeedleBaseWidth="1.5%" PercentOrPixel

         NeedleBaseRadius="5.%" PercentOrPixel

         NeedleColor="#f00000" Color

         NeedleBaseColor="#141414" Color

         TickToTickValueMargin="5.%" PercentOrPixel

         MajorTickStep="10." Double

         MinorTickStep="5." Double

         RoundGaugeBorderToColorRange="0.%" PercentOrPixel

         RoundGaugeColorRangeWidth ="6.%" PercentOrPixel

         BarGaugeRadius="5.%" PercentOrPixel

         BarGaugeMaxHeight="20.%" PercentOrPixel

         RoundGaugeNeedleLength="45.%" PercentOrPixel

         BarGaugeNeedleLength="3.%" PercentOrPixel











         <ColorRanges> User-defined color ranges. By default empty with no child element entries


                         From="50. " Double

                         FillWithColor="1" Bool

                         Color="#00ff00" Color












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