Altova MapForce Server 2025 

Sets an option before running the mapping. The first argument specifies the name of the option, while the second argument specifies the option value. This method is particularly useful when a mapping was designed to consume Global Resources (see Altova Global Resources). The currently supported options are as follows:


globalresourcefile (or gr) - A Global Resource file path. (When this option is specified, then a Global Resource configuration name must also be specified, see next item).

globalresourceconfig (or gc) - A Global Resource configuration name. (When this option is specified, then a Global Resource file path must also be specified, see previous item).

catalog - The path to a custom RootCatalog.xml file. This option enables you to specify a custom catalog file used to resolve URLs used by the mapping. The default catalog is in the etc subdirectory of the program installation directory.

taxonomy-package - The path to a custom XBRL taxonomy package, if one is required by the mapping.

taxonomy-packages-config-file - The path to a custom XBRL taxonomy package configuration, if one is required by the mapping.


All set options are valid for the lifetime of the object. If you set an option with the same name twice, the previous option will be overridden. To explicitly clear all options, call the ClearOptions() method.



SetOption(in bstrName:String, in bstrValue:String) -> Void

Generic signature

void SetOption(ByVal bstrName As String, ByVal bstrValue As String)


HRESULT SetOption([in] BSTR bstrName, [in] BSTR bstrValue );


Sub SetOption(ByVal bstrName As String, ByVal bstrValue As String)









Specifies the name of the option to set.



Specifies the value of the option to set.

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