Altova MapForce Server 2025 Advanced Edition

Processor Cores and Licenses

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The licensing of Altova server products is based on the number of physical processor cores available on the product machine (as opposed to the number of logical cores). For example, a dual-core processor has two cores, a quad-core processor four cores, a hexa-core processor six cores, and so on. The number of cores licensed for a product must be greater than or equal to the number of cores available on that server machine, whether the server is a physical or virtual machine. For example, if a server has eight cores, you must purchase an 8-core license. You can also combine licenses to achieve the core count. So, two 4-core licenses can be used for an eight-core server instead of one 8-core license.


If you are using a computer server with a large number of CPU cores but only have a low volume to process, you may also create a virtual machine that is allocated a smaller number of cores, and purchase a license for that number. Such a deployment, of course, will have less processing speed than if all available cores of the computer were utilized.


Note:Each Altova server product license can be used for only one client machine at a time—the machine on which the Altova server product is installed—even if the license has unused licensing capacity. For example, if a 10-core license is used for a client machine that has 6 CPU cores, then the remaining 4 cores of licensing capacity cannot be used simultaneously for another client machine.


Estimate of core requirements

There are various external factors that influence the data volumes and processing times your server can handle (for example: the hardware, the current load on the CPU, and memory allocation of other applications running on the server). In order to measure performance as accurately as possible, test the applications in your environment with data volumes and in conditions that approximate as closely as possible to real business situations.

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