Altova DiffDog Server 2025 

Configuring the Server

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Configuration of DiffDog Server involves setting the server configuration file—one such file in .ini format exists on the server machine in the application data directory:









For typical scenarios where configuration of the server is required, see Configuring the Server for Remote Comparisons and Restricting Access to Server Paths.


In addition, if you want to use DiffDog Server for remote comparisons, a client configuration file, also in .ini format, must be configured on each client machine that connects to DiffDog Server remotely.


You can change the settings available in configuration files by editing the files in a text editor. For reference to all settings available in these files, see:


Server Configuration File

Client Configuration File


After editing the server configuration file, restart DiffDog Server as a service.


For information about restarting DiffDog Server as a service, see:


Starting and Stopping Services (Linux)

Starting and Stopping Services (macOS)

Starting and Stopping Services (Windows)

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