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結果 セクション
Altova StyleVision 2023 Professional Edition
• altova:for-each-attribute-pair ( /Example/Test-A, /Example/Test-B, function(\$a, \$b){\$a+b} ) returns ...  ...  (2, 4, 6) if...   Test-A  att1 ="1"  att2 ="2"  att3 ="3" />...   ...
Online Manual
XSLT Tools | Altova
The XMLSpy XSLT editor provides all the built-in intelligence and advanced features you need to develop effective, error-free stylesheets quickly:...Syntax coloring, line numbering, source folding, and...
Altova MobileTogether Designer
If there is a validation error because of a missing page source on a page, then the Messages pane will offer a quick-fix to add the missing page source to that page. On clicking the...
Online Manual
Build Enterprise Apps with MobileTogether | Altova
You can even modify the app to fix a bug and run the test case again to validate the results of changes, which makes this an indispensable QA tool for your development process. Enterprise-Grade...
xbrl.formula.ValueAssertion RaptorXML Python API 2.9.0
xbrl.formula.VariableSet. aspect_model Returns the value of the ‘aspectModel’ attribute as an xbrl.formula.AspectModel enumeration. xbrl.formula.VariableSet. filter_relationships Returns an iterator...
Online Manual
xbrl.formula.ExistenceAssertion RaptorXML Python API 2.9.0
xbrl.formula.VariableSet. aspect_model Returns the value of the ‘aspectModel’ attribute as an xbrl.formula.AspectModel enumeration. xbrl.formula.VariableSet. filter_relationships Returns an iterator...
Online Manual
xbrl.formula.ValueAssertion RaptorXML Python API 2.10.0
xbrl.formula.VariableSet. aspect_model Returns the value of the ‘aspectModel’ attribute as an xbrl.formula.AspectModel enumeration. xbrl.formula.VariableSet. filter_relationships Returns an iterator...
Online Manual
xbrl.formula.ExistenceAssertion RaptorXML Python API 2.10.0
xbrl.formula.VariableSet. aspect_model Returns the value of the ‘aspectModel’ attribute as an xbrl.formula.AspectModel enumeration. xbrl.formula.VariableSet. filter_relationships Returns an iterator...
Online Manual
Altova StyleVision 2025 Basic Edition
The first command calls RaptorXML and produces as output. The second command passes to the FOP processor, which generates the PDF file test.pdf . For more...
Online Manual
Altova StyleVision 2023 Basic Edition
The first command calls RaptorXML and produces as output. The second command passes to the FOP processor, which generates the PDF file test.pdf . For more...
Online Manual
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