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Altova 検索サイトは 問い合わせ '"quick test"' に一致するドキュメントを 200 件検索しました:

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結果 セクション
UModel UML Modeling Tool | Altova
...s...The UModel choreography diagram toolbar provides quick access to all BPMN 2.0 choreography elements with drop-down selection of task, event, and gateway variations. BPMN Collaboration Diagrams
HTML & CSS Editors | Altova
XMLSpy provides intelligent support for editing HTML4 and HTML5 pages and testing them using its integrated Browser View. Text view provides numerous helpful HTML editing features, including...
Data Mapping Tools: MapForce | Altova
...rans...“We have been test driving MapForce for 3 days and are absolutely impressed with the intuitive design and ease of use. Thanks for making our job easier. ”...Michael Elson,   CRS Corporation
JSON Data Mapping and Transformation with MapForce - Altova Blog
The MapForce database query window offers a quick place to test or refine the SQL query:...We can insert the SQL query into the mapping to provide the source data for the JSON file:...Then...
XSLT 3.0 Development Tools | Altova
The XSLT 3.0 editor includes XSLT back-mapping , which lets your select a section in your output document to immediately identify the source node and XSLT 3.0 instruction responsible for that output...
Scan Now: Barcodes in Mobile Apps - Altova Blog
The sample Parcel Delivery app that ships with MobileTogether Designer is the perfect test case for adding barcode scanning functionality.  ...MobileTogether provides a rich variety of controls...
Powerful XSLT Editor | Altova
The XMLSpy XSLT editor provides numerous tools for writing XSLT code, with support for XSLT 1.0, 2.0, and 3.0. With powerful tools including the built-in XPath Analyzer, lightning fast transformations...
DatabaseSpy Multi-database Tool | Altova
DatabaseSpy includes support for SQL queries that contain parameters, also known as SQL Templates. Parameters can make a query much more flexible, for instance allowing users to easily test...
UML State Machine Diagrams | Altova
Toolbar for quick access to diagram elements...Transitions in can refer to operations in classes...Generate code from state machine diagrams...Cascading styles for colors, fonts, and more...UML...
What's New in DatabaseSpy | Altova
Connectivity to all major databases – supports Microsoft SQL Server 2000 and 2005, Microsoft Access 2003, Oracle 9i and 10g, IBM DB2 8.x and 9, MySQL 4.x and 5.x, and Sybase 11. In fact, DatabaseSpy...
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