Units and Unitrefs
Unit aspect
The Unit template iterates over:
•(in open mode) the units present in the XBRL instance;
•(in closed mode) a single given unit.
The Unit template is indicated with the following tags. See the section Unit Properties for a detailed description of the different types of units.

The unit element can have structures as shown below:
<xbrli:unit id="IdUnitShares">
<xbrli:unit id="IdUnitSquareMeters">
<xbrli:unit id="IdUnitDollarsPerShare">
<xbrli:measure xmlns:iso4217="http://www.xbrl.org/2003/iso4217">iso4217:USD</xbrli:measure>
When you insert a Unit template in the design, it is created as an empty template. You can then do the following (see screenshot below):
•Access values of the unit: Insert the Unit aspect's aspect value templates (see below) to return the respective values of these aspects.
•Select Facts: Select facts in the XBRL instance that contain the defined units. The Item aspect value template within each Unit template, will then return the facts that each closed-mode Unit template selects.

Unitref templates
The Unitref template iterates over all units in the instance, regardless of whether these are referenced by a reported fact or not. Unitref templates are inserted empty and with their tags collapsed. You can expand a collapsed Unit tag (by double-clicking it), and you can insert content within the tags.
Unit values (aspect value templates)
Aspect value templates for the following Unit aspects can be inserted via the Insert XBRL Element commands, Unit Numerator and Unit Denominator. Units can be thought of as ratios consisting of a numerator and denominator. Use Unit Numerator to generate the numerator part of a unit, and Unit Denominator to generate the denominator part. See the screenshot below.