Altova StyleVision 2023 Professional Edition

Programming languages differ in the way they support COM access. A few examples for the most frequently used languages (links below) will help you get started. The code listings in this section show how basic functionality can be accessed. The files in the API subfolder of the Examples folder can be used to test this functionality:



Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 10, Windows 11





The JScript listings demonstrate the following basic functionality:


Start application or attach to a running instance

Simple document access




VBScript is different than JScript only syntactically; otherwise it works in the same way. For more information, refer to the JScript examples.



C# can be used to access the Application API functionality. The code listings show how to access the API for certain basic functionality.


Start StyleVision: Starts StyleVision, which is registered as an automation server, or activates StyleVision if it is already running.

Open OrgChart.pxf: Locates one of the example documents installed with StyleVision and opens it. If this document is already open it becomes the active document.

OnDocumentOpened Event On/Off: Shows how to listen to StyleVision events. When turned on, a message box will pop up after a document has been opened.

Open ExpReport.xml: Opens another example document.

Shutdown StyleVision: Stops StyleVision.



The StyleVision API can be accessed from Java code. The Java sub-section of this section explains how some basic StyleVision functionality can be accessed from Java code. It is organized into the following sub-sections:


Mapping Rules for the Java Wrapper

Example Java Project

Application Startup and Shutdown

Simple Document Access


Event Handlers


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