Altova Work in Process XBRL Add-in for Excel, Version 2024

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Taxonomy Manager categorizes the taxonomies under its management as follows:


Installed taxonomies. These are shown in the GUI with their check boxes selected (in the screenshot below the checked versions of the DNB and EBA taxonomies are installed taxonomies). If all the versions of a taxonomy are selected, then the selection mark is a tick. If at least one version is unselected, then the selection mark is a solid colored square. You can deselect an installed taxonomy to uninstall it.

Uninstalled available taxonomies. These are shown in the GUI with their check boxes unselected. You can select the taxonomies you want to install.


Upgradeable taxonomies are those which have been revised by their issuers since they were installed. They are indicated in the GUI by a icTaxonomyPatch icon (see screenshot above). You can patch an installed taxonomy with an available revision.


Points to note


In the screenshot above, both DNB taxonomies and some of the EBA taxonomies are checked. Those with the blue background are already installed. Those with the yellow background are uninstalled and have been selected for installation. Note that (i) the EBA 2.10 Phase 2 taxonomy is not installed and has not been selected for installation, (ii) the EBA 3.1 Phase 2 taxonomy has been installed, but it has been patched by its issuer since it was installed and the patch has not yet been installed.

When running Taxonomy Manager from the command line, the list command is used with different options to list different categories of taxonomies:


taxonomymanager.exe list

Lists all installed and available taxonomies; upgradeables are also indicated

taxonomymanager.exe list -i

Lists installed taxonomies only; upgradeables are also indicated

taxonomymanager.exe list -u

Lists upgradeable taxonomies


Note: On Linux and macOS, use sudo ./taxonomymanager list


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