The package com.altova.stylevisionserver consists of the following classes:
•public class StyleVisionServer (described below)
•public class StyleVisionServerException extends Exception
StyleVisionServer class
The StyleVisionServer class creates a new StyleVision Server object instance, and provides access to StyleVision Server. The methods of the StyleVisionServer interface are described below.
Methods of StyleVisionServer class
The methods of the StyleVisionServer class are listed alphabetically below.
public void addParameter(String name, String value) Adds the name and value of a new parameter. Each parameter and its value is specified in a separate call to the method. Parameters must be declared in the XSLT document. Parameters: name: Holds the name of the parameter as a string. value: Holds the value of the parameter as a string.
public void clearParameterList() Clears the list of parameters.
public boolean generate(String transfPath) Processes the PXF file specified in transfPath. Throws StyleVisionServerException. Parameters: transfPath: An absolute URL giving the location of the PXF file. Returns: true() if execution is successful false() if execution fails In case of an error, use getLastExecutionMessage()
public int getAPIMajorVersion() Gets the major version of the StyleVision Server API. It can be different from the product version if the API is connected to another server.
public int getAPIMinorVersion() Gets the minor version of the StyleVision Server API. It can be different from the product version if the API is connected to another server.
public int getAPIServicePackVersion() Gets the service pack version of the StyleVision Server API. It can be different from the product version if the API is connected to another server.
public String getLastExecutionMessage() Gets the message received during the last generate command.
public int getMajorVersion() Gets the major version of the application.
public int getMinorVersion() Gets the minor version of the application.
public String getProductName() Gets the product name.
public String getProductNameAndVersion() Gets the complete name and version number of the product.
public String getServerPath() Gets the path to the server's binary executable file.
public int getServicePackVersion() Gets the service pack version of the StyleVision Server.
public String getWorkingDirectory() Gets the current working directory.
public boolean is64bit() Checks whether the executable is 64-bit. Returns: true() for StyleVision Server (x64), false() otherwise.
public void setInputXML(String path) Sets the XML file to process. This must be the path of the Working XML File that is specified in the PXF file. Parameters: path: Holds the path of the Working XML file in the PXF file.
public void setOutputDOCX(String path) Sets the path and name of the DOCX file to generate. Parameters: path: The path and name of the DOCX file to generate.
public void setOutputFO(String path) Sets the path and name of the FO file to generate. Parameters: path: The path and name of the FO file to generate.
public void setOutputHTML(String path) Sets the path and name of the HTML file to generate. Parameters: path: The path and name of the HTML file to generate.
public void setOutputPDF(String path) Sets the path and name of the PDF file to generate. Parameters: path: The path and name of the PDF file to generate.
public void setOutputRTF(String path) Sets the path and name of the RTF file to generate. Parameters: path: The path and name of the RTF file to generate.
public void setOutputText(String path) Sets the path and name of the Text file to generate. Parameters: path: The path and name of the Text file to generate.
public void setServerPath(String serverFile) Sets the path of the StyleVisionServer executable. Parameters: serverFile: The path of the StyleVisionServer executable.
public void setWhereClause(String whereClause) Sets an SQL WHERE clause that determines the rows of a DB-XML schema source to process. Parameters: whereClause: The SQL WHERE clause that determines the rows of a DB-XML schema source to process.
public void setWorkingDirectory(String workingDirectory) Sets a default directory. Relative paths are resolved relative to this directory. Parameters: workingDirectory: The path of the default (working) directory.
public void stop() Stops the server process.