Altova MobileTogether Server Advanced Edition

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MobileTogether Server Advanced Edition (hereafter referred to as MobileTogether Server for short) serves MobileTogether solutions to client mobile devices. It runs on MS Windows, Linux, and macOS machines.


MobileTogether solutions are created in Altova's MobileTogether Designer application and are deployed from MobileTogether Designer to MobileTogether Server.

The MobileTogether Client app that is installed on client mobile devices then accesses MobileTogether solutions that are deployed on a MobileTogether Server.


MobileTogether Server has an easy-to-use Web UI that provides management of server processes and logs. This user manual describes how to set up MobileTogether Server and manage its processes.




Current version: 10.0 


This documentation

This documentation is organized into the following sections:



Setting Up MobileTogether Server

Server Procedures

Web UI Reference

Command Line Usage


Also see: Demo videos about MobileTogether Server.



Latest Documentation


The latest documentation is available online at the Altova website. The online documentation is constantly updated and could contain updates that are not included in the Help that is packaged with the software. Please compare the Last updated dates (see below) of the packaged and online versions to check whether the online version is a later version.


Last updated: 11 September 2024


Altova website: AltovaWebLink App development, Enterprise apps, Enterprise app development, RMAD, Low code app development


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