Altova MobileTogether Server 

Command Line

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Location of executable

Given below are the default locations of the MobileTogether Server executable, which you can call to execute the commands described n this section:










The command line syntax is:


mobiletogetherserver --h | --help | --version | <command> [options] [arguments]


--help (short form --h) displays the help text of the given command. If no command is named, then all commands of the executable are listed, each with a brief description of the command.

--version displays the version number of MobileTogether Server.

<command> is the command to execute. Commands are described in the sub-sections of this section (see list below).

[options] are the options of a command; they are listed and described with their respective commands.

[arguments] are the arguments of a command; they are listed and described with their respective commands.



CLI commands

Available commands are listed below and are explained in the sub-sections of this section.


addtorole: Adds a principal to a MobileTogether Server role.

applicationid: Returns the application ID.

assignlicense: Uploads a license to LicenseServer and assigns this license to MobileTogether Server.

createcontainer: Creates a new container within the root or within an existing cointainer.

createrole: Creates a new MobileTogether Server role.

createuser: Creates a new MobileTogether Server user.

debug: Starts MobileTogether Server for debugging.

deploy: Deploys a MobileTogether package (.mtp file) to MobileTogether Server.

exportresourcestrings: Exports all application resource strings to an XML file.

help: Displays information about the command that is submitted in the argument (or about all commands if no argument is submitted).

install: Installs MobileTogether Server as a service.

licenseserver: Registers MobileTogether Server with a LicenseServer on the local network.

resetpassword: Resets the password of MobileTogether Server's administrator interface.

setdeflang: Sets the default language of MobileTogether Server.

start: Starts MobileTogether Server as a service.

uninstall: Uninstalls MobileTogether Server as a service.

upgradedb: Updates the internal MobileTogether Server database to that of the new MobileTogether Server version and inserts correct default values.

verifylicense: Checks if current MobileTogether Server is licensed and, optionally, whether it is licensed with the given license key.

version: Displays the version number of MobileTogether Server.


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