MobileTogether App (Windows)

App Settings

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To access the Settings page, tap More and select Settings. The Settings page has two sections: General and Servers.


General Settings


Reload solutions on app start: Reloads all the solutions from the connected server whenever the app is started.

List solutions with details: Displays a descriptive text below the solution name in the Solutions section.

Themes: Select a light or dark theme, or the system setting for themes.

Return to solution list when started from shortcut: Returns to the Start page, where the Solutions list is displayed.


Note:By default, Windows Modern UI and Universal Windows Apps do not send network traffic to the local computer. This is known as net isolation. To enable network traffic use a tool such as Windows Loopbak Exemption Manager or Windows 8 AppContainer Loopback Utility. Alternatively, you can use the following command to check what containers are currently Loopback-exempted: checknetisolation LoopbackExempt -s. To add the MT Client app to the exemption list, run: checknetisolation LoopbackExempt -a -p=<SID>, where <SID> is the Package ID of the MT Client app. Run checknetisolation LoopbackExempt -d -p=<SID>, to remove a package from the Loopback exemption list.



This section contains a list of MobileTogether Servers that have been set up on the mobile device. Select the server to use, by tapping it. Tapping a MobileTogether Server name opens the Server Settings form of that MobileTogether Server. You can edit a server's settings by clicking the server's Edit icon. In the Server Settings form that appears, you can edit these settings. Edits can be carried out even when a solution is running; however, all running solutions will be closed before any edits are saved. Below the Server Settings form, there is an option to delete the server.


To add a new server, click the Add Server, icon indicated by a plus-symbol icon. This opens the Server Settings form of a new server.


Go back to Start page

To go back to the Start page from the Settings page, tap the Back key.




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