Altova StyleVision Server 2025

Syntax and description

In order to be able to run StyleVision Server, the application's end user license agreement (EULA) must be accepted. You can accept the application's EULA by running the accepteula command.


This command is useful, for example, if you want to license and run StyleVision Server directly via automated processes that use scripts.


stylevisionserver accepteula [options]


The command works only for Altova server products that have been installed on Linux machines.

You must register StyleVision Server with LicenseServer before running the accepteula command.

Use the --h, --help  option to display information about the command.

Use lowercase stylevisionserver.

Use forward slashes on Linux.



Examples of the accepteula command:


stylevisionserver accepteula



Use the --h, --help  option to display information about the command.


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