VBA Example
The code listing below shows how to insert an XBRL report into an Excel file and populate the first cell using VBA.
' VBA Example 1:
' Creates a new Solvency II Quaterly Solo Report with form 'S.' and sets the value of the first cell
Sub Example1()
Dim addIn As COMAddIn
Dim automationObject As Object
Dim Workbook As Object
Dim tableTree As Object
Dim tableNode As Object
' Get the Automation API object
Set addIn = Application.COMAddIns.Item("Altova.SolvencyIIAddIn")
Set automationObject = addIn.Object
' Insert a new Solvency II Quaterly Solo Report
Set Workbook = automationObject.InsertNewReport("http://eiopa.europa.eu/eu/xbrl/s2md/fws/solvency/solvency2/2019-07-15/mod/qrs.xsd")
Set tableTree = automationObject.GetTableTree(Workbook)
' Find table tree node for form 'S.'
Set tableNode = tableTree.FindTableByRCCode("S.")
' Include this table in the filing (this will also create the respective Excel worksheet)
tableNode.IncludeInFiling = True
' Get the Data range of this form and set the value of the first cell to "test"
tableNode.Forms.Item(0).DataRange.Item(1).Value = "test"
End Sub