Altova EBA Add-in for Excel, Version 2025 Basic Edition


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The Altova® European Banking Authority (EBA) XBRL Add-in for Excel (or EBA Add-in for short) enables your organization to prepare XBRL reports that conform to the EBA (European Banking Authority) XBRL taxonomy or to related country-specific XBRL taxonomies.


The EBA XBRL Add-in allows you to do the following:


Enter XBRL data in Microsoft Excel, using a predefined template spreadsheet which maps to the XBRL taxonomy

Validate the report data directly from Excel to ensure it conforms to the XBRL taxonomy

Export report data from Excel to XBRL format

Import data from existing XBRL reports into Excel

Batch convert XBRL files to Excel (.xlsx) format (Enterprise Edition)


XBRL taxonomies

The list of supported XBRL taxonomies is periodically updated to include newer versions, independently of Altova add-in releases. Country-specific XBRL taxonomies and older versions of the EBA XBRL taxonomy are not installed by default when you install the add-in. You can view, install, upgrade, and uninstall taxonomies on demand, using the XBRL Taxonomy Manager.


General taxonomies

The following general, non-country-specific taxonomies are supported:


EBA (European Banking Authority) XBRL Taxonomy (starting with version 2.0 up to the most recent version)

SFRDP (Supervisory Financial Reporting data Points) provided by the ECB

SRB RES REP: Single Resolution Board Resolution Reporting for liability data, critical functions and financial market infrastructures

SRB SRF EAC: Single Resolution Board Ex-Ante Contributions to the Single Resolution Fund


Country-specific taxonomies

The following country-specific taxonomies are supported:


ACPR (Banque de France Autorité de Contrôle Prudentiel et de Résolution)

oLCB-FT: Combating Money Laundering and the Financing of Terrorism

oRUBA: Unified Reporting Banks and Assimilates

oCOREP: Common Reporting with the modules LCR_CON, LCR_DA, NSFR_CON and ALM_CON

oCREDITIMMO: Reporting for home loans and the profitability of production and outstanding home loans in France

BBK (Deutches Bundesbank)

oEBA-ITS-Reporting extended by the German base taxonomy

BDP (Banco de Portugal)

oFinancial and Common Reporting framework

BOE (Bank of England)

oBANKING: Regulatory reporting for the banking sector

oSTATISTICS: Statistical reporting obligations

CBI (Central Bank of Ireland)

o FSP: Fund Service Providers, Investment Firms and other Payment Institutions

DNB (De Nederlandsche Bank)

oBISCBS: BIS Consolidated Banking Statistics

oBSI: Balance Sheet Items  Taxonomy

oDGS: Deposit Guarantee Scheme Reporting Framework

oFBO: Taxonomy for financial reporting for investment funds and fund managers

oFEH: Foreign Equity Holdings

oMESREP: Macroeconomic Statistics Reporting

oMIR: MFI Interest Rates

oMSR: Taxonomy for the Monthly Securities Reporting

oOTC: Derivatives Taxonomy

oPAY: Payment Statistics Reporting Framework

oPLA: Profit and Loss Account Taxonomy

oPPSP: Taxonomy for Payment Processing Service Providers

oSPV: Special Purpose Vehicles Taxonomy

NBB (National Bank of Belgium)  



This documentation

This documentation should be read in conjunction with the supporting documents included in the EBA XBRL Taxonomy:


Description of DPM formal model

EBA Architecture for XBRL representation of DPM

EBA XBRL Filing Rules



Last updated: 16 October 2024


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