UModel utilzes interaction overview diagrams, which present a high-level view of execution paths through an application.
UModel interaction overview diagrams combine elements of activity diagrams with sequence diagrams to show the flow of program execution. You can also use an interaction overview diagram to deconstruct a complex scenario that would otherwise require multiple if-then-else paths to be illustrated as a single sequence diagram.
The UModel interaction overview diagram toolbar contains icons for initial node, final node, decisions, merges, forks, and arrows, but no additional elements that could create invalid UML syntax. Control flow arrows will connect existing sequence diagrams and interactions in your model to illustrate execution flow.
In an early development iteration you can quickly construct incomplete sequence diagrams to act as placeholders in the interaction overview diagram while you design the overall application flow. This functionality lets you design the high level program flow before all the details of each individual sequence are completed. You can complete each sequence diagram later, or even delegate sequence diagrams among team members.
The representation of each sequence diagram in the UModel interaction overview diagram is based on the sequence diagram contents and is automatically hyperlinked, so you can drill into the execution details with a single click.
UModel supports all 14 UML diagrams, as well as a UML diagram for XML Schemas and another to model tables in relational databases, giving your team a powerful UML modeling tool at a fraction of the cost of legacy solutions. To see a comprehensive list of all UML diagram types, see our UML diagrams page or click on the link below to download a 30-day trial of Altova UModel.