
An xbrl.table.Table class represents a <table:table> resource in the table linkbase.

class xbrl.table.Table

Proper instances of this class will be created within RaptorXML only, instantiation from script code will throw a NotImplementedError exception.



Returns an iterator of xbrl.table.TableBreakdownRelationship objects which represent the table-breakdown relationships from this <table:table> resource.


Returns an iterator of xbrl.table.TableFilterRelationship objects which represent the table-filter relationships from this <table:table> resource.


Returns an iterator of xbrl.table.TableParameterRelationship objects which represent the table-parameter relationships from this <table:table> resource.


Returns the value of the ‘parentChildOrder’ attribute as an xbrl.table.ParentChildOrder enumeration, or None if the ‘parentChildOrder’ attribute is absent.


Returns an xbrl.AspectSet object representing the set of participating aspects for this table which is the union of the participating aspects of its breakdowns.


xbrl.table.Table.generate_layout_model(Instance instance=None, **kargs)

Generates the layout model for this table by table resolution and layout against the given XBRL instance and returns an xbrl.table.layout.TableSet, xml.ErrorLog tuple. Formula parameters can be set using the ‘formula_parameters’ argument by supplying a dict with the user-supplied parameter values. Use the same JSON format as accepted by the –formula-parameters CLI option. The ordering of layout nodes generated by an aspect node can be specified with the ‘aspect_node_order’ parameter which can be either ‘lexical’ or ‘instance’. When ‘preserve_empty_aspect_nodes’ is set to True, a placeholder structural node will created when the aspect node expands to the empty set. When ‘preserve_empty_relationship_nodes’ is set to True, a placeholder structural node will created when the relationship node expands to the empty set. When ‘preserve_merged_rule_nodes’ is set to True, a distinct structural node will be always created even if that node should be merged. When ‘table_elimination’ is set to True, any unpopulated slices (table rows or colulmns) are eliminated from the table.


Generates the structural model for this table by table resolution and returns an xbrl.table.structural.TableSet, xml.ErrorLog tuple. Formula parameters can be set using the ‘formula_parameters’ argument by supplying a dict with the user-supplied parameter values. Use the same JSON format as accepted by the –formula-parameters CLI option. When ‘preserve_empty_relationship_nodes’ is set to True, a placeholder structural node will created when the relationship node expands to the empty set. When ‘preserve_merged_rule_nodes’ is set to True, a distinct structural node will be always created even if that node should be merged.


Returns an iterator of xbrl.formula.Parameter objects representing the referenced formula parameters by this <table:table> resource and any other associated resources.

Special methods

__bool__, __eq__, __ge__, __gt__, __le__, __lt__, __ne__