
The xsd.ContentType property record determines the validation of children of xml.ElementInformationItem objects.

xml.ElementInformationItem children.

  • A xsd.ContentType with variety xsd.ContentTypeVariety.SIMPLE validates elements with character-only children using

its xsd.SimpleTypeDefinition.

  • A xsd.ContentType with variety xsd.ContentTypeVariety.ELEMENT_ONLY validates elements with children that conform to

the content model supplied by its xsd.Particle.

(i.e. specifically ignoring other children such as xml.CharDataInformationItem objects) conform to the content model supplied by its xsd.Particle.

and others conforming to the xsd.OpenContent.

class xsd.ContentType

Proper instances of this class will be created within RaptorXML only, instantiation from script code will throw a NotImplementedError exception.



Returns an optional xsd.OpenContent schema component.


Returns a xsd.Particle schema component, or None if variety is xsd.ContentTypeVariety.EMPTY or xsd.ContentTypeVariety.SIMPLE.


Returns a xsd.SimpleTypeDefinition schema component if variety is xsd.ContentTypeVariety.SIMPLE, or None otherwise


Returns one of {xsd.ContentTypeVariety.EMPTY, xsd.ContentTypeVariety.SIMPLE, xsd.ContentTypeVariety.ELEMENT_ONLY, xsd.ContentTypeVariety.MIXED}.

Special methods

__bool__, __eq__, __ge__, __gt__, __le__, __lt__, __ne__