
The xpath.Sequence class is the internal representation of an xpath/xslt/xquery data model sequence. A Sequence can contain zero or more xpath.Item.

class xpath.Sequence(Session session)

Class methods

classmethod xpath.Sequence.create_from_item(Item item)


xquery.xpath.Sequence.append(Item item)
xquery.xpath.Sequence.serialize(SerializationParams params)

Serialize the sequence according to the provided xpath.SerializationParams. The result will be a string.

xquery.xpath.Sequence.serialize_encoded(SerializationParams params)

Serialize the sequence according to the provided xpath.SerializationParams. The result will be a byte array in the specified encoding.


Special methods

__eq__, __ge__, __getitem__, __gt__, __iadd__, __iter__, __le__, __len__, __lt__, __ne__