Options class for sample xml generation.
- class xml.SampleXMLGeneratorOptions¶
- xml.SampleXMLGeneratorOptions.assign_schema_or_dtd¶
The xml.AssignSchemaOrDTD enum that describes how a schema/DTD is referenced from the generated document.
- xml.SampleXMLGeneratorOptions.choice_mode¶
The xml.ChoiceMode enum that describes which branch to use if a choice is encountered.
- xml.SampleXMLGeneratorOptions.consider_nillable¶
Treat element content of nillable elements as non-mandatory.
- xml.SampleXMLGeneratorOptions.consider_sample_value_hints¶
Use value hints from sample values/enum facets (bool).
- xml.SampleXMLGeneratorOptions.create_start_element¶
Create a start element (bool). Should be set to True.
- xml.SampleXMLGeneratorOptions.default_namespace¶
Default namespace to use in sample xml (string).
- xml.SampleXMLGeneratorOptions.enum_values¶
The xml.EnumValues enum that describes how manually added sample values are used.
- xml.SampleXMLGeneratorOptions.fill_attributes_with_text¶
Fill attributes with data (bool).
- xml.SampleXMLGeneratorOptions.fill_elements_with_text¶
Fill elements with data (bool).
- xml.SampleXMLGeneratorOptions.find_exact_value_for_xsitype¶
For elements with an abstract type, try to use a non-abstract type for xsi:type (bool).
- xml.SampleXMLGeneratorOptions.generate_content¶
Generate any content (bool).
- xml.SampleXMLGeneratorOptions.generate_optional_attributes¶
Generate non-mandatory attributes (bool).
- xml.SampleXMLGeneratorOptions.generate_optional_elements¶
Generate non-mandatory elements (bool).
- xml.SampleXMLGeneratorOptions.max_minimization_depth¶
Maximum recursion depth (int).
- xml.SampleXMLGeneratorOptions.namespace_bindings¶
Map of namespace bindings prefix -> namespace (dict[“prefix”] = “namespace”)
- xml.SampleXMLGeneratorOptions.occurrence_limit¶
Number of elements to be generated if repeatable (int).
- xml.SampleXMLGeneratorOptions.prefered_min_length¶
Prefered minimum content length for string elements (int).
- xml.SampleXMLGeneratorOptions.wildcard_penalty_length¶
Penalty value to avoid branches with a strict wildcard (int).
- xml.SampleXMLGeneratorOptions.as_dict()¶
Returns a dictionary representation of the SampleXMLGeneratorOptions
Special methods¶
__eq__, __ge__, __gt__, __le__, __lt__, __ne__