
An xbrl.taxonomy.Locator class represents an XLink locator element in an XBRL linkbase.

class xbrl.taxonomy.Locator

Proper instances of this class will be created within RaptorXML only, instantiation from script code will throw a NotImplementedError exception.



Returns an xml.Document object which represents the XBRL taxonomy document which contains this locator.


Returns an xml.ElementInformationItem object which represents the XML element information item of the XLink locator.


Returns an xml.QName object which represents the XML qualified name of the locator element information item.


Returns an xbrl.taxonomy.Concept object which represents the XBRL concept pointed to by the XLink locator or None if the XLink locator does not point to a XBRL concept.


Returns an xml.ElementInformationItem object which represents the XML element information item pointed to by the XLink locator.


Returns an iterator of xml.ElementInformationItem objects which represent the <xl:title> elements present in this locator.

Returns the value of the ‘xlink:href’ attribute as a string, or None if the XML element information item doesn’t have an ‘xlink:href’ attribute.

Returns the value of the ‘xlink:label’ attribute as a string, or None if the XML element information item doesn’t have an ‘xlink:label’ attribute.

Returns the value of the ‘xlink:role’ attribute as a string, or None if the XML element information item doesn’t have an ‘xlink:role’ attribute.

Returns the value of the ‘xlink:title’ attribute as a string, or None if the XML element information item doesn’t have an ‘xlink:title’ attribute.



Returns an URI with XPointer fragment that points to this XML element as a string. If the XML element information item has an id attribute, a shorthand pointer with the id attribute value will be generated, otherwise the XPointer element scheme will be used. Set force_element_scheme to True to prevent generation of shorthand pointers.

Special methods

__bool__, __eq__, __ge__, __gt__, __le__, __lt__, __ne__