
An xbrl.table.layout.Axis class represents an axis of a layout table.

class xbrl.table.layout.Axis

Proper instances of this class will be created within RaptorXML only, instantiation from script code will throw a NotImplementedError exception.



Returns the type of this axis as an xbrl.table.AxisType enumeration.


Returns the number of header rows in this axis.


Returns the dimensions of the axis headers in this axis as a (slice_count,row_count) tuple.


Returns the number of slices along this axis.


Returns an xbrl.table.layout.Table object which represents the parent layout table.



Returns an xbrl.table.Breakdown object which represents the corresponding breakdown in the definition model whose contribution includes the given header row. Raises an IndexError if the row is out of bounds.

xbrl.table.layout.Axis.header(*args, **kargs)

Returns an xbrl.table.layout.AxisHeader object for the given coordinate. The coordinate can be specified by x and y or slice and row arguments or an iterable yielding 2 integer values. Raises an IndexError if the coordinate is out of bounds.


Returns an iterator of xbrl.table.layout.AxisHeader objects representing the header cells in the given header row. Raises an IndexError if the row is out of bounds.


Returns an iterator of xbrl.table.layout.AxisHeader objects representing the header cells in the given slice. Raises an IndexError if the slice is out of bounds.


Returns an xbrl.table.structural.Breakdown object which represents the corresponding breakdown in the structural model whose contribution includes the given header row. Raises an IndexError if the row is out of bounds.

Special methods

__bool__, __eq__, __ge__, __gt__, __le__, __lt__, __ne__