
An xbrl.PeriodAspectValue class represents a particular value for the period aspect.

class xbrl.PeriodAspectValue

Proper instances of this class will be created within RaptorXML only, instantiation from script code will throw a NotImplementedError exception. Use one of the following creator methods to construct a xbrl.PeriodAspectValue object: from_instant, from_duration, from_forever.

Class methods

classmethod xbrl.PeriodAspectValue.from_duration(type cls, start, end)

Constructs a new duration period aspect value with the given duration.

classmethod xbrl.PeriodAspectValue.from_forever(type cls)

Constructs a new forever period aspect value.

classmethod xbrl.PeriodAspectValue.from_instant(type cls, instant)

Constructs a new intant period aspect value with the given date.



Returns xbrl.Aspect.PERIOD.


Returns the end date value as datetime.datetime. Raises an AttributeError if the period value is not a start-end duration.


Returns the instant date value as datetime.datetime. Raises an AttributeError if the period value is not an instant.


Returns the period type as xbrl.PeriodType enumeration.


Returns the start date value as datetime.datetime. Raises an AttributeError if the period value is not a start-end duration.

Special methods

__bool__, __eq__, __ge__, __gt__, __le__, __lt__, __ne__