
The beta.xbrl.xule.RuleSetMap class represents a mapping from namespace uris to beta.xbrl.xule.RuleSet objects.

class beta.xbrl.xule.RuleSetMap

Proper instances of this class will be created within RaptorXML only, instantiation from script code will throw a NotImplementedError exception.

Class methods

classmethod beta.xbrl.xule.RuleSetMap.create_from_map(type map, catalog=None, enable_static_checks=True, **kargs)

Returns a beta.xbrl.xule.RuleSetMap from the dictionary containing mappings from namespace uri to XULE rule set archive.

classmethod beta.xbrl.xule.RuleSetMap.create_from_url(type url, catalog=None, enable_static_checks=True, **kargs)

Returns a beta.xbrl.xule.RuleSetMap from the given JSON map file containing mappings from namespace uri to XULE rule set archive.



Returns an iterator of namespace uris representing the mappings in this rule set map.



Returns an iterator of namespace uris representing the mappings in this rule set map.

beta.xbrl.xule.RuleSetMap.lookup_namespaces(Instance instance)

Returns an iterator of matching namespace uris for the given XBRL instance.

beta.xbrl.xule.RuleSetMap.lookup_ruleset(Instance instance)

Returns an beta.xbrl.xule.RuleSet object that represents the matching rule set for the given XBRL instance or None if the facts in the instance do not match any of the namespace uris in this rule set map.

Special methods

__contains__, __delitem__, __eq__, __ge__, __getitem__, __gt__, __iter__, __le__, __lt__, __ne__, __setitem__