The xpath.Expression class represents a valid, compiled xpath expression. It can be instantiated with the xpath.Expression.compile classmethod. The same xpath.Expression can be used for multiple executions with different xpath.RuntimeOptions.
There is also a utility function xpath.compile that can be used to create an xpath.Expression.
session = Session()
compile_options = CompileOptions(session)
expr, log = Expression.compile('//*', compile_options)
if expr is None:
raise Exception("Error creating xpath expression", log)
runtime_options = RuntimeOptions(session)
runtime_options.initial_context = NodeItem.create_from_instance(xml.Instance.create_from_buffer(b'<?xml version="1.0"?><foo><bar>baz</bar></foo>')[0], session)
seq, log = expr.execute(runtime_options)
if seq is None:
raise Exception("Error executing xpath expression", log)
for i in seq:
Base class: xslt.xpath.Executable
-> xslt.xpath.Module
- class xslt.xpath.Expression¶
Class methods¶
- classmethod xslt.xpath.Expression.compile(type cls, unicode text, CompileOptions options)¶
- Compiles a new xpath.Expression from the provided expression text and xpath.CompileOptions.
This involves syntax checking, building of AST, initializing of static context components and static-analysis. In case of a syntax or a static error, the xpath.Expression is None and the xml.ErrorLog contains the error(s).
Returns: (xpath.Expression, xml.ErrorLog)
s = Session() expr, log = Expression.compile('year-from-date(current-date()) ge 2018', CompileOptions(s)) if expr None: print(log) else: print('success') True
- xslt.xpath.Module.location
- xslt.xpath.Executable.referenced_modules
- xslt.xpath.Module.schema
- xslt.xpath.Module.strip_input_type_annotations
- xslt.xpath.Module.whitespace_handler
- xslt.xpath.Expression.execute(RuntimeOptions options)¶
- Execute the compiled xpath.Expression with the provided xpath.RuntimeOptions.
In case of a runtime error the returned xpath.Sequence is None and the xml.ErrorLog contains the error.
Returns: (xpath.Sequence, xml.ErrorLog)
s = Session() expr, log = Expression.compile('year-from-date(current-date()) ge 2018', CompileOptions(s)) seq, log = expr.execute(RuntimeOptions(s)) seq[0].anySimpleType().value True
- xslt.xpath.Module.load_xml_document(unicode uri, f)
Special methods¶
__eq__, __ge__, __gt__, __le__, __lt__, __ne__