
The xml.DocumentInformationItem class represents an XML document and exposes the properties of the Document Information Item as well as the post-schema-validation infoset properties for the validation root.

There is exactly one xml.DocumentInformationItem in the information set, and all other xml.InformationItem objects are accessible from the properties of the xml.DocumentInformationItem, either directly or indirectly through the properties of other xml.InformationItem objects.

Base class: xml.InformationItem

class xml.DocumentInformationItem

Proper instances of this class will be created within RaptorXML only, instantiation from script code will throw a NotImplementedError exception.



Returns the base URI of the document entity.


Returns the name of the character encoding scheme in which the document entity is expressed.


Returns an iterator of child xml.InformationItem objects, in document order.

This provides:


[PSVI] Returns True if the doucment is deep-valid, False otherwise. A document is deep-valid if it is root_valid and no xml.ElementInformationItem and xml.AttributeInformationItem in the document has validity == xml.Validity.INVALID.


Returns an xml.Document object representing the XML instance file containing this information item.


Returns the xml.ElementInformationItem corresponding to the document element.


Returns an xml.InformationItem object representing the first child information item. Returns None if this information item does not have any children.


[PSVI] Returns the ID/IDREF table of the validation root. The ID/IDREF table maps ID values to the xml.ElementInformationItem for which this ID was specified.


Returns an xml.InformationItem object representing the next sibling information item. Returns None if there is no next sibling information item.


Returns an iterator of xml.NotationInformationItem objects declared in the DTD.


Returns an xml.InformationItem object representing the previous sibling information item. Returns None if there is no previous sibling information item.


[PSVI] Returns True if the document is root-valid, False otherwise. A document is root-valid if it’s root xml.ElementInformationItem has validity == xml.Validity.VALID and validation_attempted is either xml.ValidationAttempted.FULL or xml.ValidationAttempted.PARTIAL.


Returns the source xml.DocumentInformationItem in case that the Infoset was constructed by an Inline XBRL transformation.


Returns an indication of the standalone status of the document, either True or False. This property is derived from the optional standalone document declaration in the XML declaration at the beginning of the document entity, and returns None if there is no standalone document declaration.


[PSVI] Returns True if the document is uniformly-valid, False otherwise. A document is uniformly-valid if it’s root xml.ElementInformationItem has validity == xml.Validity.VALID and validation_attempted == xml.ValidationAttempted.FULL.


Returns an iterator of xml.UnparsedEntityInformationItem objects declared in the DTD.


Returns a string representing the XML version of the document. This property is derived from the XML declaration optionally present at the beginning of the document entity, and is None if there is no XML declaration.



Precalculates preceeding sibling counts for all xml.ElementInformationItem objects and caches them on the xml.DocumentInformationItem. Subsequent calls to xml.ElementInformationItem.xpointer() or xml.ElementInformationItem.xpath() have a runtime in O(d) is the depth of the xml.ElementInformationItem (i.e. the number of ancestors + 1).

xml.DocumentInformationItem.serialize(pretty_print=True, add_unspecified_attributes=False)

Returns a string with the serialized document. Setting the option pretty_print will insert appropriate indendation and newlines after each XML element. Setting the option add_unspecified_attributes will add any missing attributes that have a default value in the DTD/XSD Schema.


Returns proprietary Altova URL to this Item. If item_value is True the URL references the value content of an Element or Attribute item (is ignored for other kinds).

Special methods

__bool__, __eq__, __ge__, __gt__, __le__, __lt__, __ne__