
An xbrl.formula.ConsistencyAssertion class represents a <ca:consistencyAsertion> resource in the formula linkbase.

Base class: xbrl.formula.Assertion

class xbrl.formula.ConsistencyAssertion

Proper instances of this class will be created within RaptorXML only, instantiation from script code will throw a NotImplementedError exception.



Returns an xbrl.XPathExpression object representing the XPath expression in the ‘absoluteAcceptanceRadius’ attribute, or None if the ‘absoluteAcceptanceRadius’ attribute is absent.


Returns an iterator of xbrl.formula.ConsistencyAssertionFormulaRelationship objects which represent the consistency-assertion-formula relationships from this <ca:consistencyAssertion> resource.


Returns an iterator of xbrl.formula.ConsistencyAssertionParameterRelationship objects which represent the consistency-assertion-paramter relationships from this <ca:consistencyAssertion> resource.


Returns an xbrl.XPathExpression object representing the XPath expression in the ‘proportionalAcceptanceRadius’ attribute, or None if the ‘proportionalAcceptanceRadius’ attribute is absent.


Returns an iterator of xbrl.formula.AssertionSatisfiedMessageRelationship objects which represent the assertion-satisfied-message relationships from this <validation:assertion> resource.


Returns the inferred value of the ‘bindAsSequence’ attribute as bool.


Returns an iterator of xbrl.formula.AssertionUnsatisfiedMessageRelationship objects which represent the assertion-unsatisfied-message relationships from this <validation:assertion> resource.


Returns either the associated or default severity level as an xbrl.formula.SeverityLevel enumeration.


Returns an iterator of xbrl.formula.AssertionUnsatisfiedSeverityRelationship objects which represent the assertion-unsatisfied-severity relationships from this <validation:assertion> resource.


xbrl.formula.Assertion.evaluate(Instance instance, **kargs)

Processes this assertion against the given XBRL instance and returns an xbrl.formula.AssertionProcessingResult, xml.ErrorLog tuple. Formula parameters can be set using the ‘formula_parameters’ argument by supplying a dict with the user-supplied parameter values. Use the same JSON format as accepted by the –formula-parameters CLI option. Other assertion processing options can be specified using additional kargs. Please consult the RaptorXML CLI documentation http://manual.altova.com/RaptorXML/raptorxmlxbrlserver/rxcli_xbrl_valxbrl.htm for a list of available options. Any errors and warnings reported during the assertion processing can be accessed through the returned xml.ErrorLog object.


[Deprected: Use resolve_parameter() instead!] Returns an xbrl.formula.Parameter object which represents the formula paramter with the given XML qualified name within the scope of this assertion, or None if no parameter was found.


Returns an iterator of xbrl.formula.Parameter objects representing the referenced formula parameters by this <ca:consistencyAssertion> resource and any other associated resources.


Returns an xbrl.formula.Parameter object which represents the formula paramter with the given XML qualified name within the scope of this assertion, or None if no parameter was found.

Special methods

__bool__, __eq__, __ge__, __gt__, __le__, __lt__, __ne__