
An xbrl.InlineXBRLTransformationRegistry object represents a set of xbrl.InlineXBRLTransformFunction.

class xbrl.InlineXBRLTransformationRegistry

Proper instances of this class will be created within RaptorXML only, instantiation from script code will throw a NotImplementedError exception.

Class methods

classmethod xbrl.InlineXBRLTransformationRegistry.create(type **kargs)

Constructs a new InlineXBRLTransformationRegistry.

classmethod xbrl.InlineXBRLTransformationRegistry.get_ixt_versions(type cls)

Returs a map of <prefix, URL> entries for all supported Transformation Registries.



Returns a xml.QName list containing every transformation function defined in the specified Transformation Registry.


Returns an xbrl.InlineXBRLTransformFunction object which represents the transformation with the given XML qualified name in the Transformation Registry, or None if no transformation was found.

Special methods

__eq__, __ge__, __gt__, __le__, __lt__, __ne__