
An avro.schema.Schema class represents a AVRO Schema.

class avro.schema.Schema

Proper instances of this class will be created within RaptorXML only, instantiation from script code will throw a NotImplementedError exception.

Class methods

classmethod avro.schema.Schema.create_from_buffer(type cls, buf, *, catalog=None, **kargs)

Returns a tuple with a avro.schema.Schema and xml.ErrorLog object. Constructs a new avro.schema.Schema object after parsing the AVRO content in the given buffer according to the AVRO schema 1.8.1 specification. Optional user XML catalogs can be specified with the catalog argument. Other validation options can be specified using additional kargs. Please consult the RaptorXML CLI documentation http://manual.altova.com/RaptorXML/raptorxmlxbrlserver/rxcli_jsonavro_valavroschema.html for a list of available options. Any errors and warnings reported during the validation can be accessed through the returned xml.ErrorLog object.

classmethod avro.schema.Schema.create_from_url(type cls, url, *, catalog=None, **kargs)

Returns a tuple with a avro.schema.Schema and xml.ErrorLog object. Constructs a new avro.schema.Schema object after parsing the AVRO content from the given url according to the AVRO schema 1.8.1 specification. Optional user XML catalogs can be specified with the catalog argument. Other validation options can be specified using additional kargs. Please consult the RaptorXML CLI documentation http://manual.altova.com/RaptorXML/raptorxmlxbrlserver/rxcli_jsonavro_valavroschema.html for a list of available options. Any errors and warnings reported during the validation can be accessed through the returned xml.ErrorLog object.

classmethod avro.schema.Schema.validate_buffer(type cls, buf, *, catalog=None, **kargs)

Validates the AVRO Schema document from the given buffer buf according to the AVRO schema 1.8.1 specification and returns xml.ErrorLog object with the results. Optional user XML catalogs can be specified with the catalog argument. Other validation options can be specified using additional kargs. Please consult the RaptorXML CLI documentation http://manual.altova.com/RaptorXML/raptorxmlxbrlserver/rxcli_jsonavro_valavroschema.html for a list of available options. Any errors and warnings reported during the validation can be accessed through the returned xml.ErrorLog object.

classmethod avro.schema.Schema.validate_url(type cls, url, *, catalog=None, **kargs)

Validates the AVRO Schema document at the given url according to the AVRO schema 1.8.1 specification and returns xml.ErrorLog object with the results. Optional user XML catalogs can be specified with the catalog argument. Other validation options can be specified using additional kargs. Please consult the RaptorXML CLI documentation http://manual.altova.com/RaptorXML/raptorxmlxbrlserver/rxcli_jsonavro_valavroschema.html for a list of available options. Any errors and warnings reported during the validation can be accessed through the returned xml.ErrorLog object.



Returns the URI of the document (after any catalog mappings) that was used to actually open the document and read its content.

Special methods

__bool__, __eq__, __ge__, __gt__, __le__, __lt__, __ne__