
A Fact class represents a fact element in an XBRL instance document.

class xbrl.Fact(Instance instance, cpp_TIndex nIdx)



Returns a generator object of Fact objects representing all XBRL facts which are direct children of this fact.


Returns a generator object of Fact objects representing only XBRL item facts which are direct children of this fact.


Returns a generator object of Fact objects representing only XBRL tuple facts which are direct children of this fact.


Returns a Concept object which represents the XBRL concept associated with this XBRL fact.


Returns a Context object which represents the XBRL context associated with this XBRL fact.


Returns a string containing the value of the decimals attribute on the fact’s element information item. If no decimals attribute has been defined, then the attribute is None.


Returns a decimal.Decimal object which represents the XBRL fact’s effective numeric value after rounding with the information provided by the decimals or precision attribute. If the fact’s type definition is not derived from a built-in XBRL numeric type definition, then the attribute returns NaN.


Returns an xml.Element object which represents the XML element information item of the XBRL fact.


Returns a generator object of xml.Element objects representing all footnote resources that are associated with this fact.


Returns a generator object of xbrl.FootnoteResource objects for each footnote that has a concept-label relationship (http://www.xbrl.org/2003/arcrole/fact-footnote) to this fact.


Returns a Fraction object which represents the fraction value denoted by the XBRL fact. If the fact’s type definition is not derived from the built-in XBRL type definition xbrli:fractionItemType, then the attribute returns None.


Returns the id attribute value as a string, or “None” if the XML element doesn’t have an id attribute.


Returns True if the XBRL fact’s element information item has the xsi:nil attribute set to True.


Returns the XBRL fact’s schema normalized value as a string.


Returns a string containing the value of the precision attribute on the fact’s element information item. If no precision attribute has been defined, then the attribute is None.


Returns an xml.QName object which represents the XML qualified name of the XBRL fact.


Returns a Unit object which represents the XBRL unit associated with this XBRL fact.



Returns an xml.Element object which represents the complete scenario aspect of this XBRL fact. If the XBRL fact has no complete scenario aspect, then this attribute is None.


Returns an xml.Element object which represents the complete segment aspect of this XBRL fact. If the XBRL fact has no complete segment aspect, then this attribute is None.


Returns a Concept object which represents the concept aspect of this XBRL fact.


Returns an EntityIdentifier object which represents the entity identifier aspect of this XBRL fact. If the XBRL fact has no entity identifier aspect, then this attribute is None.


Returns an xml.QName object which represents the given qname dimension aspect of this XBRL fact (which is the domain member QName). If the XBRL fact has no such dimension aspect, then this attribute is None. The argument qname must be an object of class xml.QName.


Returns True if the fact is an XBRL item fact.


Returns True if the fact is an XBRL tuple fact.


Returns an xml.Element object which represents the location aspect of this XBRL fact.


Returns a list of xml.Element objects which represent the non-XDT scenario aspect of this XBRL fact. If the XBRL fact has no non-XDT scenario aspect, then this attribute is None.


Returns a list of xml.Element objects which represent the non-XDT segment aspect of this XBRL fact. If the XBRL fact has no non-XDT segment aspect, then this attribute is None.


Returns a Period object which represents the period aspect of this XBRL fact. If the XBRL fact has no period aspect, then this attribute is None.

xbrl.Fact.select_footnotes(footnote_role=None, arc_role=None, link_role=None, lang=None)

Returns a generator object of xbrl.FootnoteResource objects for each footnote that has a concept-label relationship (http://www.xbrl.org/2003/arcrole/fact-footnote) to this fact and also matches the given parameters.


Returns an xml.Element object which represents the given qname dimension aspect of this XBRL fact (which is the typed domain element). If the XBRL fact has no such dimension aspect, then this attribute is None. The argument qname must be an object of class xml.QName.


Returns a Unit object which represents the unit aspect of this XBRL fact. If the XBRL fact has no unit aspect, then this attribute is None.

Special methods

__bool__, __eq__, __ge__, __gt__, __le__, __lt__, __ne__