
A DTS class represents an XBRL Discoverable Taxonomy Set (DTS).

class xbrl.DTS


Returns a list of linkrole URIs (strings) from the presentation linkbase.


Returns an iterator over Concept objects which represent all XBRL concepts in the DTS that are in the substitution group of xbrldt:dimensionItem.


Returns a list of xml.Document objects which represent all DTS entry points.


Returns an iterator over Concept objects which represent all XBRL concepts in the DTS that are in the substitution group of xbrldt:hypercubeItem.


Returns an iterator over Concept objects which represent all XBRL concepts in the DTS that are in the substitution group of xbrli:item.


Returns a list of xml.Document objects which represent all XBRL linkbases in the DTS.

Returns a list of linkrole URIs (strings) from the calculation linkbase.


Returns an xsd.Schema object which represents the XML Schema component of the underlying DTS.


Returns a list of xml.Document objects which represent all XBRL taxonomy schemas in the DTS.


Returns a generator object of xbrl.TableResource objects which represent all the table resources in the table linkbase.


Returns an iterator over Concept objects which represent all XBRL concepts in the DTS that are in the substitution group of xbrli:tuple.



Returns a list of those concepts which do not occur on the to-side of an arc in the calculation linkbase.

xbrl.DTS.concept_relationships(source, linkrole, arcrole, axis, generations, linkname, arcname)

The xfi:concept-relationships method from the XBRL Function Registry http://specifications.xbrl.org/registries/functions-registry-1.0/90507%20xfi.concept-relationships/90507%20xfi.concept-relationships%20function.html. Returns a list of Relationship objects.

Returns a list of linkrole URIs (strings) where the given arcrole occurs.


Returns a list of those xbrl.Concept which do not occur on the to-side of an arc in the presentation linkbase.


Returns a Concept object which represents the XBRL concept with the given XML qualified name qname in the DTS. If there is no such concept, this method returns None.


Returns a list of xbrl.TableResource objects that match the identifier. The identifier can be either the value of the id attribute or an XPointer URL pointing to the table resource.

xbrl.DTS.root_concepts(linkrole, arcrole, linkname, arcname)

Returns a list of those concepts which, for a given link, arc, linkrole and arcrole do not occur on the to-side of an arc.

Special methods

__bool__, __eq__, __ge__, __gt__, __le__, __lt__, __ne__