Altova MobileTogether Designer

Welcome to MobileTogether Designer

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MobileTogether Designer is an entirely free-to-use product for Windows machines that establishes your mobile solutions precisely the way you want them. With an easy-to-comprehend approach, you employ drag-and-drop functionality to create elegant mobile solutions. MobileTogether Designer comes equipped with a complete mobile simulator so that you can instantly simulate your mobile solution in the designer. You can also run the mobile solution directly on your mobile device to view your project in real-time.


Current version: 10.0


MobileTogether Designer tutorials, video demos, and example files

The following resources will help you to get started with MobileTogether Designer:


Tutorials that take you from the basics to more advanced features

Video demos that provide a fast introduction to the powerful features of MobileTogether Designer and show you how to build different types of MobileTogether solutions

Several example files. You can open these files, simulate their workflow, and explore their design features. These files are packaged with MobileTogether Designer and are located in the Altova/MobileTogetherDesigner subfolder of the (My) Documents folder.


This documentation

This documentation is the user manual of MobileTogether Designer. It is organized into the following sections:


New Features



User Interface


Page Sources (Data Sources)

Pages and Page Events

Controls and Control Events



Design Components

XPath/XQuery Expressions and Functions

Global Variables


Altova Global Resources

Subprojects and Modules


MT Debugger

Automated Testing

Offline Usage

Embedded Webpage Solutions

AppStore Apps

In-App Purchases

MT Solutions in UWP Apps

Server Services

Server Action Libraries

Menu Commands

Frequently Asked Questions



Latest Documentation


The latest documentation is available online at the Altova website. The online documentation is constantly updated and could contain updates that are not included in the Help that is packaged with the software. Please compare the Last updated dates (see below) of the packaged and online versions to check whether the online version is a later version.


Last updated: 11 September 2024


Altova website: AltovaWebLink App development, Enterprise apps, Enterprise app development, RMAD, Low code app development


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