Altova LicenseServer

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Altova LicenseServer (hereafter also called LicenseServer for short) provides a central location for the management of licenses for Altova products. Altova applications running in a network can have licenses assigned to them from the LicenseServer, thus giving administrators the flexibility to centrally manage and monitor licenses.




Current version: 3.17 * 


* LicenseServer 3.17 can be used to license (i) Altova software products of version 2025r2 or older, and (ii) Altova MobileTogether Server version 10.1 or older. It cannot be used to license Altova product versions that are newer than those listed in this note. For more information about compatibility, see Updating LicenseServer.


Licensing procedure

LicenseServer can be downloaded and installed free of cost from the Altova website. After you have correctly installed LicenseServer and started it as a service, the procedure for assigning licenses to an Altova product is as follows:


1.Register your Altova products with LicenseServer. The registration is carried out from the Altova product.

2.Upload your Altova product licenses to the license pool of LicenseServer.

3.Assign the uploaded product licenses to your registered products.


See the General Information section and Configuration Page Reference for available functionality.


About this documentation

This documentation is organized into the following parts:


General Information

Installation on Windows, Linux, and macOS

Register and unregister products with LicenseServer

Upload and activate product licenses

Assign product licenses

Configuration Page Reference



Last updated: 13 January 2025


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