Altova StyleVision 2025 Professional Edition is an application for graphically designing and editing StyleVision Power Stylesheets, available in 64-bit and 32-bit versions. StyleVision® runs on Windows 10, Windows 11, and Windows Server 2016 or newer. Some functionality of StyleVision and Altova MissionKit can be integrated with applications of the Microsoft Office suite (MS Access, MS Excel, MS Word), version 2007 or newer.
A StyleVision Power Stylesheet (SPS) can be used for the following purposes:
•To control a graphical WYSIWYG view of XML documents in Authentic View, which is an XML document editor available in the following Altova products: Altova XMLSpy, Altova StyleVision, Altova Authentic Desktop, and Altova Authentic Browser. It enables you to easily create electronic forms based on XML documents.
•To enable the editing of databases (DBs) via Authentic View and to generate database reports in HTML, RTF, and Text format.
•To generate XSLT stylesheets based on the SPS design. (XSLT 1.0, XSLT 2.0, and XSLT 3.0 are supported.) The XSLT stylesheets can be used outside StyleVision to transform XML documents into outputs such as HTML and RTF (Rich Text Format, used by word processing applications such as MS Word).
•To generate, directly from within StyleVision, HTML, RTF, and Text output from an XML document. In the case of DB-based SPSs, StyleVision can additionally generate, for each SPS, an XML Schema based on the DB and an XML instance document that adheres to this schema and contains data from the DB.
Altova website: Stylesheet Designer
Last updated: 17 March 2025