Tag Archive for: PDF

Extract Data for PDF Mapping

MapForce, Altova’s award-winning data mapping tool, includes support for PDF input in data integration and ETL workflows. The MapForce PDF Extractor makes it easy to define rules for extracting PDF data in a structured format to make it available for mapping to other popular formats like Excel, XML, JSON, databases, and more.

Let’s take a look at how it works.

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AI Integration & PDF Data Mapping in Version 2024

Version 2024 of Altova Software introduces brand new AI Assistants in multiple products as well as long-awaited support for PDF data integration in MapForce. Other features include Markdown editing support, split output preview for business report creation, support for new XBRL standards, and much more.

Let’s take a look at the highlights.

Decorative image with imagery symbolizing AI to announce new product features
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Using TrueType Fonts for StyleVision PDF Generation

StyleVision is Altova’s visual stylesheet designer for publishing XML and database data in PDF and other formats. Limitations in the design of the Apache FOP processor cause TrueType fonts to be unavailable for PDF generation. This tip for creating TrueType font metrics files, along with the downloadable scripts, provides StyleVision users with a workaround for this issue.
A metrics file is created by calling the Java application TTFReader. TTFReader is included with Apache FOP, so if you have Apache FOP installed, TTFReader is already installed, too.
If you are proficient in calling a Java application, you can call TTFReader yourself to create the metrics file for each TrueType font. Alternatively, we have provided a set of command files below that ease this task. With these command files, you can easily create metrics files for all the TrueType fonts installed on your computer.
Please visit https://www.altova.com/technote12.html to view the complete tip with screenshots and a link to download the command files.
If you’re not already a StyleVision user, you may download a free, 30-day trial here: https://www.altova.com/download.html

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