Tag Archive for: MobileTogether

Build a Mobile Dashboard to Wow Any Executive

In an earlier post on Creating Elegant Mobile Apps, we showed examples of a simple app and a complete mobile dashboard running on multiple mobile devices. Mobile developers can also delight end users by empowering them to customize the app experience. MobileTogether lets developers tailor cross-platform apps to each mobile platform and empower users through a simple and intuitive custom text size control.

Allowing each end user to set the preferred text size for viewing conditions and the device is both courteous to users and relieves developers of the task of determining the appropriate text size to work across all devices.

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Build an Elegant Mobile App that Delights End-Users

Smartphones and tablets are everywhere, and superior apps have created a population of demanding users with high standards for mobile performance. This can be challenge for enterprises that want to build mobile apps to support internal business goals.

Complicating development tasks, many companies have adopted BYOD (Bring Your Own Device) policies that give users choice and flexibility while off-loading mobile device procurement issues. However, BYOD scenarios present significant hurdles for developers, who now must build apps for multiple mobile operating systems and screen sizes.

Enterprise developers in this environment need a tool that lets them quickly deliver a new mobile app or an updated version. Altova MobileTogether is that tool. MobileTogether lets developers design, test, and release one version of an app to run on all mobile devices, with interface features that will delight users across platforms.

Further, MobileTogether makes it simple to build sophisticated apps that connect to your existing backend systems and all popular relational databases. The MobileTogether framework includes the backend server for the mobile app, so developers create the front-end app and the back-end server logic at the same time and in one environment!

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Opening URLs and Documents within a Mobile App

MobileTogether apps for enterprises can connect to existing backend databases and generate richly-formatted documents and forms. MobileTogether can also create gateways to existing resources by opening URLs and documents within a mobile app.

Opening URLs and Documents within a Mobile App

The Open URL/File action lets MobileTogether developers give end users the ability to open Web pages or files such as PDFs, image files, text files, etc., that are stored on the client device.

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Patient Mobile Form – New Sample App

It’s time for your yearly checkup. However, first, you must update your paperwork. You can practically feel the hand cramp coming on as soon as the receptionist hands over the clipboard.

What if you could update all your info ahead of time – or even in the waiting room – on your mobile device? You could definitely build an app for that.

We’ve created the New Patient sample app to demonstrate a few key features, including how MobileTogether lets you develop cross-platform apps that include rich, mobile form based solutions for capturing data. Let’s take a look at how it works.

Patient form mobile app

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Generate PDF, Word, or RTF Documents from a Mobile App

Need to empower mobile users to capture information and generate a document or report from any remote location? MobileTogether lets you build a cross-platform mobile app to do that. You can tailor the app with all the device-specific mobile controls users expect, like check boxes, date pickers, switches and buttons, yet generate output files identical to an existing document, form, or report already familiar throughout the enterprise.

The Actions Dialog in the MobileTogether Designer lets developers define a Print To action to generate PDF, Word, or RTF documents from a mobile app. Once a document is rendered, it is saved on the mobile client for further processing. For instance, a PDF file could be emailed as a file attachment.

Generate PDF, Word, or RTF Documents from a Mobile App

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Flexible App UI Design with Multi-level Style Sheets

Using a cross-platform mobile development framework like MobileTogether is a great choice for building native apps, because the design environment takes care of rendering the app UI properly using the native look and feel of each operating system. You just have to build one design.

This gives app developers the ability to build sophisticated, data-centric apps for all users very quickly. To help this work, MobileTogether employs an RMAD approach along with flexible options for designing a beautiful UX. To help specifically with this last point are multi-level style sheets that let you customize and apply styles – either statically or dynamically – at various levels of the app UI design with just a few clicks.

Viewing a mobile app

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Automated Testing for Mobile App Development

Robust and repeatable testing improves any software development project. If you’re creating a mobile app, testing is especially critical given the unpredictable range of end user devices and location variables. Altova MobileTogether includes sophisticated Automated Testing features that let developers:

  • Record a series of user actions as a test case
  • Replay the test case in the MobileTogether Designer Simulator environment
  • Deploy test cases to the MobileTogether Server for replay on a variety of client devices
  • Retrieve Test Run results from the server and compare differences

Automated Testing for Mobile Apps

You can even modify the app to fix a bug and run the test case again to validate the results of changes, which makes this an indispensable QA tool for your mobile app development process.

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Scan Now: Barcodes in Mobile Apps

Barcodes are used in various industries to provide an optical, machine readable representation of data, usually related to an object they are placed on, such as a book, retail product, shipping package, or even the wrist of a patient in a hospital.

Recent developments in barcode technology include 2D codes that use shapes beyond the original bars (think of those QR codes you see on everything from magazine ads to cereal boxes). More significant, though, is the ability of smartphones and other mobile devices to scan barcodes using their built-in camera. Where in the past a specialized barcode scanner was required to read the coded information, now anyone can scan a code, greatly expanding the usefulness of barcodes for communicating data that can then be used a variety of ways.

Apps that can process barcode information are useful in a number of industries, and they can be used in apps that target workers as well as consumers. Let’s take a look at how easy it is to build an app that scans and processes barcodes in MobileTogether.

Barcodes in mobile apps

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MobileTogether Adds Barcodes, Automated Testing, and More

It’s time for the latest release of MobileTogether, Altova’s cross-platform framework for building native, data-centric apps.

Coming a short five months after MobileTogether 2.2, version 3.0 ships with an impressive array of new functionality, from developer-requested features such as barcode scanning and automated testing support, to flexibility improvements in the form of multi-level stylesheets and print-to-file functionality, all of which are sure to set your apps apart from the crowd.

Let’s take a look at the new features in detail.

 MobileTogether 3.0

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Going to Oracle OpenWorld or Microsoft Ignite? Come Meet Us!


It is trade-show season at Altova, and the last two weeks of September will have us in San Francisco, CA and Atlanta, GA!

From Sept. 19-21 we will be in California at Oracle OpenWorld in booth #421.
From Sept. 26-29 we will be in Georgia at Microsoft Ignite in booth #234.

If you are planning on attending either show or are in the area and would like to speak with us in person, come to our booth for a demo of Altova’s developer tools and to see our cross-platform mobile development solution MobileTogether.

We would love to hear from you about your latest projects and challenges, collaborate on best  practices or let us show you some of the new exciting things Altova has to offer. We hope to see you there!


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Audio and Video in Cross-Platform Mobile Apps

Altova MobileTogether combines UI design by visual drag and drop with functional programming using Actions and Action Trees to let developers quickly build mobile apps for iOS, Android, and Windows devices. MobileTogether 2.2 recently added support for multimedia features that will delight end users with sound effects, video, and audio recording functionality.

Add audio and video to delight mobile app users

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Multimedia for Mobile

Thanks to invaluable feedback from developers building apps in MobileTogether, we’re constantly adding new functionality to the product. Close on the heels of MobileTogether 2.1, which added over 30 new features, is the latest release: Version 2.2.

Additions to MobileTogether 2.2 are focused on integrating multimedia assets in your mobile apps, with new tools for using audio and video functionality to enable seamless interactivity that your end users will love.


New in MobileTogether: Audio and Video

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Accelerate Testing in Mobile App Development

Testing by real-world users is a critical step in successful development of intuitive mobile apps for all platforms. A recent in-house experience demonstrated this axiom, and the MobileTogether Instant Deployment proved to be an effective tool to accelerate testing in mobile app development, deliver a new version of an app into the hands of Android, iOS, Windows Phone, and Windows 10 users, and get feedback faster than ever.


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Advanced Error Handling Actions for Mobile Apps

MobileTogether 2.1 includes new Try/Throw and Catch error handling actions for mobile apps, allowing developers to build sophisticated error-handling routines that improve end-user experience. For instance, if an app wants to connect to a third-party Web service but the server is not available, error-handling actions permit graceful recovery.

MobileTogether error handling actions for mobile apps work the same way for all platforms, saving developers time since there’s no need to customize error handling based on the requirements of each mobile operating system.


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Build your Collections with the MyCollections App

For the longest time, I’ve searched in vain for a collection app that would help me manage my favorite recipes. I have a ton on Pinterest, and an equal number in my ever-growing cookbook collection. The problem is, when it comes time to make a favorite dish, I can never remember where the recipe is and end up spending half my cooking time looking for it. Enter the new Altova MyCollections app: I’ve already started using this for my recipes and other collections, and I’ll never go back.

MyCollections lets you catalog any collection whatsoever – whether it’s comprised of actual objects like books, CDs, watches, or camping equipment – or if it’s your favorite places to visit, your great-hikes bucket list, or your birthday wish list. Oh, and it’s free.

MyCollections App
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New Features for App UI Design

As the saying goes, “You only get one chance to make a first impression.” This age-old advice still rings true today in myriad contexts – even when thinking about mobile apps. A successful app is an extension of the user’s hand, and a beautiful, functional UI is what makes that connection seamless.
MobileTogether makes it easier than ever to build sophisticated UIs to front-end complex programming logic. In its latest release, we’ve added even more options for developing intuitive interfaces for native iOS, Android, and Windows apps.

Mobile app

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Scrolling Tables for Data-Driven Mobile Apps

Mobile device users always demand maximum information in the most convenient package, but small screen sizes can force a trade-off. Mobile app developers are challenged to fit data, navigation controls, and helper information all into a pleasing layout or risk frustrating end users who could be customers, colleagues, or c-level executives. MobileTogether 2.1 introduces scrolling tables and other cool new features to help developers create apps that present data elegantly and work the same way on all devices.


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New Features for Mobile Development

The latest version of MobileTogether is available today, adding even more functionality to this game-changing framework for building and deploying native mobile apps faster than any other solution.

To start with, we’ve completely revised the pricing for MobileTogether, with a new model that’s simple to understand and ridiculously affordable.

In addition, Version 2.1 introduces over 30 important new features added based on real-world developer feedback, from new functionality for building tables, to sophisticated error handling actions, to flexible options for beautiful UI design.

Let’s take a look at how these new features combine to let you build the most sophisticated data-centric apps for iOS, Android, and Windows devices.

MobileTogether 2.1 announcement

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Delight Users with Mobile App Features Tailored to the Device

An incredible variety of mobile phones and tablets exist in the world today and new models are announced continuously. All these mobile devices have different specifications and capabilities, which can be a problem for developers creating mobile apps. Tablets have large screen sizes, but don’t necessarily include cellular data, default color sets vary by phone manufacturer, and built-in mobile features may behave differently in each mobile operating system. Fortunately, the MobileTogether Designer provides an integrated development environment that lets users quickly design and build cross-platform mobile app features ideally suited to each end-user’s device.


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Demand These 10 Features for Mobile App Development

“We need an app for that.”

This simple declaration carries with it underlying implications that can be anything but simple to implement: an app must be available for all devices, it must delight end users – and it must be ready yesterday.

As the need for mobility in data centric apps has increased, so has the number of products claiming to provide the best in cross-platform mobile development. But how can you cut through the flowery marketing claims? We’ve put together a list of the top 10 criteria for choosing a mobile development framework.

Data-centric mobile app

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REST Services as Data Sources for Mobile Apps

MobileTogether empowers developers to populate mobile apps with information retrieved from external sources via REST and SOAP Web services, and consume the data received whether it is XML, JSON, or HTML. MobileTogether support for both REST and SOAP provides mobile app developers with access to vast online data resources for a wide range of applications.


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Is it just a wrapper around HTML5 and JavaScript?

When we demonstrate MobileTogether at tradeshows, we often get asked this question: “So is it just a native app wrapper around HTML5 and JavaScript?” The simple answer is: “No.”

MobileTogether is a complete mobile app development framework that is based on our very own rendering and processing engine, which gives us a lot more flexibility and power to provide a true native app experience on each mobile operating system platform and also make important mobile platform functions that are not commonly accessible from JavaScript or HTML5-based web apps available to the developer.

Table user question

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MobileTogether Continues to Redefine Mobile Development in Version 2.0

To match the speed of business, mobile app development must be simple, fast, and efficient. Your apps must meet user demands on all platforms and mobilize essential processes seamlessly. Sounds easy enough, right? With MobileTogether, it is.

In true version 2.0 fashion, MobileTogether delivers the final piece of the puzzle: you can build your own, custom-branded app to submit to the app stores.

The new AppStore Deployment process is well suited for customer-facing or specially-branded apps. This option adds to existing support for Instant Deployment of enterprise app solutions using the MobileTogether Mobile Apps.  With either approach, you’ll still get your app in end users’ hands in record time – much faster than any other approach.

Build apps in MobileTogether

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5 Mobile Strategy Secrets that Your Competitors Don’t Want You to Know

With projections of the smartphone market growing more than 10% every year for the next few years or more, and enterprise use of tablets soaring, it is imperative to any business today to ensure a strong mobile strategy. Here are some great thought provoking ways to get ahead of the competition and bring your mobile strategy to the next level.

Mobile Strategy Read more…

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Manipulating Data in Cross-Platform Mobile Applications

Altova MobileTogether empowers enterprises of any size to design and deploy custom mobile solutions that run on all mobile platforms. This post is part 2 of a discussion of the MobileTogether Actions Dialog that lets developers quickly create sophisticated event handlers, control flow, and operations that work the same on iOS®, Android™, Windows® Phone 8, and Windows 8 devices, as well as an HTML5 browser-based client, without worrying about the unique details of the API or SDK for each mobile operating system.

world population
(Click here if you missed part 1, titled Defining Event Handling and Control Flow for Cross-Platform Mobile Applications.)

This post covers some of the MobileTogether actions that manipulate data and are flexible, powerful, and accelerate building data-driven mobile enterprise apps to deliver up-to-the-minute information to busy users on the go.

image update 1
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Defining Event Handling and Control Flow for Cross-Platform Mobile Applications

Altova MobileTogether empowers companies of any size to quickly design and deploy custom enterprise mobile solutions that run on all mobile platforms. The Actions dialog in the MobileTogether Designer is one key feature that makes it possible to develop robust mobile solutions in days, not months.

The Actions dialog lets developers create sophisticated event handlers, control flow, and operations that work the same on iOS®, Android™, Windows® Phone 8, and Windows 8 devices, as well as an HTML5 browser-based client, without worrying about the unique details of the API or SDK for each mobile operating system, because the ActionTrees built with MobileTogether are independent of any particular device-specific programming language.


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Top 10 Reasons Your Business Needs MobileTogether Now

MobileTogether is a cross-platform mobile development framework that finally makes it practical for businesses to connect to their back-end data and create enterprise mobile solutions for their workforce – regardless of which devices they use – in record time. Here are the top 10 reasons you should be looking at this solution for your organization.

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Now Available: MobileTogether 1.4 with Support for Geolocation, Android 5, iOS 8, and Much More

We are pleased announce version 1.4 of MobileTogether, Altova’s multi-platform mobile development framework that empowers organizations of any size to quickly design and deploy custom enterprise mobile solutions that are accessible on any mobile device.

New features in Altova MobileTogether 1.4

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A Cross-Platform Simulator for Enterprise Mobile App Development

In the past it was difficult and time consuming to synchronize development of cross-platform mobile enterprise applications because each mobile operating system required a different tool set or unique steps to build a compiled result.

Altova MobileTogether simplifies and accelerates cross-platform mobile development with the MobileTogether Designer. Using MobileTogether, developers create a single Solution file for Android, iOS, Windows Phone 8, Windows 8, and in HTML-5 browsers on other platforms.

Even better, the MobileTogether Designer includes a Simulator window that lets developers instantly execute the Solution to test logic, view the design as it will appear on a variety of devices, and examine changes in workflow data during execution.

Here is a view of the BizBudget example Solution as seen in the Simulator representations for iOS and Android devices:

MobileTogether Simulator showing iOS and Android devices

Both views were generated from the same solution file, simply by changing the simulation preview device.
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New Data Integration Whitepaper Now Available

The data engulfing enterprises today comes from many seemingly unrelated sources. Collecting, refining, and assimilating all this information, and being flexible enough to accept new data formats and resources, is critical to success in the 24/7 connected world.

We are proud to announce a new whitepaper titled Data Challenges and the MapForce Platform for Data Integration that addresses these issues, now available for free download from the Altova Reference Library.




This data integration whitepaper gives business executives, data analysts, data-focused developers and others an overview of current trends and issues in data integration, then discusses how Altova MapForce combines with Altova Server products to create a highly automated enterprise data integration platform that is configurable, scalable, and cost-effective.

To cover all the relevant, up-to-date information, the whitepaper even includes a section titled Data Integration for Mobile Devices that discusses how Altova MobileTogether easily integrates to bring data integration results to mobile devices, providing business intelligence dashboards, elegant enterprise forms, and much more in today’s cross-platform BYOD (bring your own device) workplaces.

Click here to download your copy today!

The MapForce Platfrom for Data Integration whitepaper

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Format Charts and Graphs for Any Mobile Device in Your BYOD Environment

One challenge in development of mobile business solutions is formatting for all the different devices end users will bring. Each mobile OS supports a family of display sizes from the smallest smartphones to the largest tablets. And when you switch to a competing OS, all the screen sizes all change again. The need to support many different mobile devices can slow down development of mobile solutions for BYOD (Bring Your Own Device) enterprises.

Pie chart for any mobile device created using Altova MobileTogether

Altova MobileTogether is a cross-platform mobile development framework that lets you build once across multiple platforms:

  • Android
  • iOS
  • Windows 8
  • Windows Phone 8
  • HTML-5 Browser Based Client

Going further, MobileTogether supports all available screen sizes for each OS, with special features to accelerate developer productivity.

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Data Integration for Mobile Devices – MobileTogether Works with FlowForce Server

When an offsite manager can read and reply to company email on a mobile phone, it’s only a short step to wanting access to all up-to-the-minute company data from the most convenient device.

Previously we’ve written about using FlowForce Server to generate HTML output that communicates data integration results. And yes, HTML results can be made available to Web browsers on mobile phones and tablets, but that’s an inferior solution for several reasons – the data will be cumbersome to view because it is not formatted for each device, and there is no interactive support for user interface controls built into mobile operating systems like buttons, combo boxes, edit fields, etc.

Fortunately, FlowForce Server jobs can be triggered by Altova MobileTogether solutions. The results are delivered directly to the mobile device and presented in a beautiful native-client form.

Altova MobileTogether is a unique cross-platform mobile development solution that includes functionality to work with FlowForce Server, and by extension MapForce Server, to bring data integration results to mobile devices to integrate business intelligence dashboards, elegant enterprise forms, and much more.

Here’s how a month-to-date sales report can appear on a mobile phone as a MobileTogether solution:

Month-to-date sales report on a mobile device, created with MobileTogether

When the solution launches, the sales manager selects the region and product, the report is generated by execution of the FlowForce Server job running on a server back in the enterprise data center, and the results are displayed.

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Now Available: MobileTogether

We are pleased to announce commercial availability of MobileTogether. Altova’s brand new, cross-platform mobile development framework lets you design mobile solutions in record time and deploy them to all device platforms, including Android, iOS, Windows 8, and Windows Phone 8 smartphones and tablets, as well as Windows 8 tablets and computers, or any other browser-based client.

‘MobileTogether brings control of mobile data in-house, where your team can create, test, and deploy mobile solutions quickly, moving from business requirements to live mobile solutions within hours. Your organization retains full control of your data, user security, access control, and the entire development cycle.

MobileTogether Business Budget Solution

MobileTogether works for enterprises of all sizes, across all verticals. Whether you need to create BI reports, data collection forms, department-specific dashboards, or something else altogether, MobileTogether makes it easy.

MobileTogether consists of three components that unify the development experience with a visual designer, a powerful simulator, and a streamlined deployment process:

  • The MobileTogether Designer is a sophisticated mobile development tool that lets your in-house development team connect to backend systems and use a combination of visual design and functional programming to create mobile solutions, including sophisticated BI dashboards, dynamic enterprise forms, business analysis reports, and more. MobileTogether supports bi-directional connectivity to SQL databases, XML, HTML, and more. The MobileTogether Designer even includes a built-in simulator for previews matching supported devices.
  • Mobile solutions are deployed to the high-performance MobileTogether Server, which handles security, workflow logic, and integration with database back-end systems. The MobileTogether Server is available for Windows, Linux, and Macintosh platforms.
  • Enterprise users access your mobile solutions on the server via the native MobileTogether Mobile Apps, which are available free of charge in the Android, iOS, Windows Phone 8, and Windows 8 app marketplaces. There is also an HTML5 browser-based client for any other device.

With today’s release, MobileTogether introduces several new features based on invaluable feedback from beta test users, including enhanced support for images captured directly from a camera or stored in a photo gallery, new Actions that can be assigned to UI controls or included in Action Groups, new XPath functions for image and geolocation processing, and additional new XPath functions.

MobileTogether is designed to be affordable for firms of all sizes. The MobileTogether Designer and MobileTogether Mobile App are free to use – so teams can get to work immediately. When they’re ready to deploy custom mobile solutions, the MobileTogether Server provides powerful data processing and affordable scalability that is licensed based on the number of mobile devices the enterprise needs to support.

Visit the Altova Web site for detailed information about MobileTogether, watch a MobileTogether demo video, or to get started yourself, download the MobileTogether Designer!

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Cross-Platform Mobile Development with Altova MobileTogether

Software engineers have long wanted to create an application once and run it on multiple platforms. With today’s rapidly evolving mobile devices, the problem is even more urgent, as iOS, Android, Windows Phone, and Surface tablets all compete for developer resources.

If you’re working on apps to communicate with enterprise users, you risk disenfranchising and alienating influential and important subsets of your colleagues when you build for each device sequentially or deliver unequal functionality.

Altova MobileTogether lets you create a cross-platform mobile solution once and deploy it in seconds to all mobile users in the enterprise, who may run it on iPhones, iPads, Android phones or tablets, Windows Phones, Surface tablets, or even laptop or desktop computers.

And these are not simple .html-based one-size-fits-all Web pages, but true native mobile solutions that take advantage of all the rich interface features users already know, delivering mission-critical data from databases, XML files, or by issuing HTTP requests to remote servers and filtering and formatting the response as necessary.

A mobile sales report application created with MobileTogether

The MobileTogether Designer is an easy-to-use development tool for creating high-quality business intelligence dashboards, interactive reports, enterprise forms, and other mobile applications by using drag-and-drop functionality. You simply drag various controls into the work area and assign data structures and actions to build a cross-platform solution.

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Oracle OpenWorld Here We Come!

image The Altova team is on its way to an exciting event next week in San Francisco, Oracle OpenWorld! If you will be there, stop by booth #220 in Moscone South near the database demo grounds from September 29th – October 1st for a demo of Altova’s tools for Oracle users and to see our new cross-platform mobile development solution MobileTogether.

We would love to hear from you about your latest projects and challenges, collaborate on best  practices or let us show you some of the new exciting things Altova has to offer. While you are at our booth, spin our prize wheel for a chance to win some fun giveaways. We hope to see you next week!


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MobileTogether Beta 2 is Now Available

UPDATE: MobileTogether exited Beta with the formal launch on November 10, 2014. Check out the more recent post announcing the MobileTogether launch to learn about even more new features added during the Beta period.

MobileTogether Beta 2 is Now AvailablePacked with new features, the Beta 2 version of Altova MobileTogether is now available for download. If you’ve already participated in the first round of MobileTogether Beta, then you already know how easy it is to create sophisticated app solutions and get them into your end-users’ hands.

But if you’re new to MobileTogether, it works like this: you can connect to your backend data and use the information found in relational databases, XML documents, or on the web to create powerful, cross-platform business solutions, including BI dashboard, electronic forms, and even complex business workflows. Once constructed in the MobileTogether Designer, you can test your solution with the built-in simulator to ensure it works on all devices. Finally, your solution is effortlessly deploy to your end-users on the device of their choice—whether that’s a mobile phone, a tablet, a laptop, or all three! What takes other app developing approaches weeks, months, or even a year to complete, takes less than a few days with MobileTogether.

What’s new in Beta 2?

With the release of a new product version, comes a host of new updates. Here is a list of the new features and fixes available in the latest Beta 2 version:

  • Support for SQLite databases
  • Support for dynamic SELECT statements fully generated with XPath/XQuery
  • Automatic retrieval of auto-number primary key after Save action to database
  • Support for data retrieval in DB Execute action
  • Support for user authentication via Windows Active Directory
  • Support for user to choose his own password in client
  • Support for user to change his password on first login
  • Auto-correcting HTML parser
  • Clients translated to German, Spanish, and Japanese
  • New variables: $MT_ButtonBackgroundColor, $MT_ButtonTextColor, $MT_EditFieldBackgroundColor, $MT_SimulationMode, $MT_EditFieldTextColor, $MT_LabelBackgroundColor, $MT_DBExecute_Result
  • New functions: mt-has-serveraccess, mt-refresh-userroles, mt-external-error-code, mt-external-error-text, mt-refresh-userroles

During the Beta period, all three components of the MobileTogether system (the Designer, the Mobile App, and the Server) are available as a free-to-use download. The Beta provides you with a great opportunity to take MobileTogether for a test drive by creating app solutions and then deploying them to your end-users.

After the beta period concludes later this year, the Mobile App and Designer will continue to be free to use, and the Server pricing – based on the number of client devices connected – will be extremely affordable.

If you’re a current beta customer, you may need to update your MobileTogether Designer and Server software on the MobileTogether Beta pages. Your MobileTogether Mobile App will be updated through the respective app stores.

Don’t Just Take Our Word for It

MobileTogether has been in Beta testing for just a few weeks and we have already been garnering a lot of positive feedback. Here is a sample of what your colleagues have told us:

“Excellent approach. The ease with which one can develop data driven apps with this is just amazing.”

“Very effective tool, congratulations!”

“I’ve found MobileTogether very easy to use, even with my lack of experience.”

Isn’t it about time you see what everyone is talking about? Begin your MobileTogether experience now by downloading the Designer.

Learn more about MobileTogether:

MobileTogether Support Forum
MobileTogether Video Demonstrations
MobileTogether product page
MobileTogether intro video
A Gentle Introduction to XPath

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MobileTogether Mobile App Beta Availability

The MobileTogether Beta period is moving along at a brisk pace as more and more users have downloaded the MobileTogether Designer to create custom mobile solutions for their organizations. This easy-to-use mobile development platform just got a lot easier to implement as the MobileTogether Mobile App is now available for download in every major device’s app store.

Once you’ve perfected your first mobile solution in the MobileTogether Designer and run it through the built-in simulator, you’re ready to connect your device to the Designer for further testing. Be sure to follow the steps laid out on the Beta Getting Started page, and then visit the app store for your mobile device to download the free MobileTogether Mobile App:

Download MobileTogether for your Android Device

Download MobileTogether for your Apple Device

Download MobileTogether for your Windows Phone 8

Download MobileTogether for your Windows 8 Device

Please continue to ask questions, share feedback, and collaborate with other users in the MobileTogether Support Forum.

Learn more about MobileTogether:

· MobileTogether Beta page
· MobileTogether Support Forum
· MobileTogether Video Demonstrations
· MobileTogether product page
· MobileTogether intro video
· A Gentle Introduction to XPath

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Sign Up Today for MobileTogether Beta

By now you’ve heard of Altova MobileTogether, the new cross-platform, mobile development environment that delivers lightning-quick access to your data via mobile devices. Now we are happy to announce the MobileTogether public beta period, which gives developers an opportunity to test this game-changing system for FREE and render their data into eye-catching mobile solutions, quickly and securely.

The MobileTogether beta period begins July 22, 2014.

Choose MobileTogether Beta for your BYOD needs

Start the beta process by exploring the MobileTogether Beta information page and then downloading the MobileTogether Designer. This is where you will begin building your mobile solutions and discovering what you can accomplish with MobileTogether. From BI dashboards to enterprise forms to department reports and more, MobileTogether is THE choice for your mobile business solutions.

Creating a mobile solution is easy. Forget about learning multiple mobile languages or using Java, .NET, or Objective-C to create a mobile solution. As soon as you open the MobileTogether Designer, you can immediately start creating impressive-looking mobile solutions using drag-and-drop functionality and a bit of XPath or XQuery knowledge. Once you’ve finished, run it through the Designer’s built-in simulator to make sure it works correctly. Get started now.

After you mastered crafting your mobile solutions—help can be found on the video demonstration page as well as in our Gentle Introduction to XPath —download the Mobile App for your mobile device. Then install the MobileTogether Server, which is also known as “Mission Control” for the MobileTogether system. You will then be able to empower your colleagues with the data they need as you deploy the mobile solutions. Full directions for these steps can be found on the MobileTogether Beta Page.

During the beta period, we will be relying on invaluable feedback from customers like you to refine processes and add new features. Please ask questions, share feedback, and collaborate with other users in the MobileTogether Support Forum. For more information, read all about MobileTogether at the MobileTogether page on the Altova web site.

Learn more about MobileTogether:

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Take BYOD From Challenge to Advantage – Introducing MobileTogether

We are so excited to announce a brand new product from Altova for the mobile space, which we will be unveiling today at the sold-out TechEd North America show in Houston, TX.

Introducing MobileTogether

Armed with smartphones and tablets, we are constantly connected to touch screens – yet when it comes to true business productivity, these devices still only provide email, calendar, and contacts connectivity, and not much else. Think about it: when’s the last time you used your work phone for anything other than email? There has to be a better approach. Altova MobileTogether is the answer. It brings control of mobile data in-house, where your team can create, test, and deploy mobile solutions quickly, moving from business requirement to live mobile solution within hours.

Your organization retains full control of your data, user security, access control, and the entire development cycle.MobileTogether is a revolutionary approach to creating mobile app solutions for corporate data. Instead of cumbersome and time-consuming native app development tools, MobileTogether unifies the development experience and provides a visual designer, a powerful simulator, and a stream-lined deployment process. It allows you to build one solution for all platforms – in record time – and deploy it seamlessly to all the mobile devices in your workplace.

MobileTogether supports all platforms with free, native client apps:

  • Android
  • iOS
  • Windows Phone 8
  • Windows 8
  • Any other device via HTML5 browser client


Cross-platform support makes MobileTogether perfect for today’s ubiquitous BYOD scenarios and provides for easy adaptation to changes.


In the weeks following the MobileTogether announcement at TechEd, we will make a public beta available to interested customers, with full commercial availability expected this fall. If you’re attending TechEd, stop by booth 2027 for a demo!  Learn more and stay tuned for more details about this revolutionary new platform for building mobile business solutions!

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