Entries by Alexander Falk

AI-based support request sentiment analysis using MapForce and GPT-4

Automated sentiment analysis of text, such as user reviews, has historically been a challenge. Because of the myriad intricacies of natural language, systems faced difficulties in analyzing context and nuances. This required an inordinate amount of manual work to overcome. One of the many useful capabilities of modern AI systems that are based on large […]

How to Learn a New Programming Language this Summer

What better goal to set for your summer than learning a new programming language? Forget the “beach books” this summer and set your sights on diving into a new coding language – but which one should you pick? As reported by EDC there are approximately 24 million professional software developers on Earth, and almost 700 […]

Simplifying License Management

We’ve been offering a centralized license server to all customers of our Altova server software products for quite some time. Now,  you can also manage all Altova desktop software licenses with the same license server. This support covers all MissionKit products, such as XMLSpy, MapForce, StyleVision, etc., whether they’re licensed separately or as part of […]

Using Google Cloud SQL

Google recently announced their next generation of managed MySQL offerings on Cloud SQL, so we wanted to take it for a spin and create a cloud-based SQL database that we could then utilize as the back-end for mobile apps, or even for advanced data analytics from our desktop. According to Google, the two principal goals of the […]

Is it just a wrapper around HTML5 and JavaScript?

When we demonstrate MobileTogether at tradeshows, we often get asked this question: “So is it just a native app wrapper around HTML5 and JavaScript?” The simple answer is: “No.” MobileTogether is a complete mobile app development framework that is based on our very own rendering and processing engine, which gives us a lot more flexibility and power […]

ERN Registration for SSL use in Mobile Apps

Apps built with MobileTogether include the ability to use SSL encryption between the mobile app and the back-end server, and with it come restrictions on importing and exporting the app in the United States and potentially other countries. If you intend to submit the AppStore App to Apple’s App Store or Microsoft’s App Store (and potentially others), […]

XBRL Data Quality of SEC Filings in EDGAR

For fundamental investors probably the most important financial information to study are the financial reports from companies that they wish to potentially invest in. For publicly traded companies in the US, the SEC regulates what data needs to be reported and at which frequency, and investors typically access those financial reports through their own brokerage firm’s website, […]

How to upgrade an old MacBook Pro to Windows 10

With the recent release of Windows 10, I embarked on a fun weekend project to convert my old MacBook Pro laptop (late 2013 model) into a new Windows 10 laptop. The process was surprisingly straight-forward, and the machine runs extremely well with all hardware features fully supported, including the high-resolution screen (“Retina display”), integrated camera […]

Welcome to the new Altova Blog

We’ve just completed a major redesign of the Altova Blog, moved to a modern blogging platform, cleaned up categories and tags, and implemented a responsive design that will adapt to whichever device you use when you visit the blog. We’re ready for take-off and we hope you like the new look…